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Lovely Morning No5 A New Year

  • 946 replies
  • 49 subscribers


Not sure where the other one has gone.

Way things are going, this may be my last one, doing a thread, and some one else can do it,

  • That's not a lot, lol going dry January after tonight x

  • Thanks Morton, Before Covid, we always went away at this time of year as the cold does terrible things to my joints but excess heat does the same. This time of year the temperature in Spain suits us! The locals walk past with their boots, coat, hat, scarf etc, look at us in short sleeves and shiver! Lol!

    Well, I must say that is very good of Davef to pay for us all, I will make sure I send him the bill!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Moi, Please let me know if you hear anything from Ulls, I've been wondering if he was going away over Christmas!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • He was staying home and had party's to go to, haven't heared anything back yet. Will let you no xx


  • Think he is paying for holidays as well, so your missing out morton lol

  • Hope everyone has had a good day. I am trying to think about bland subjects to discuss without being controversial and getting in trouble but nothing I have considered is bland enough.

    If I say my wife is great at housework because she is a woman I am in trouble.

    If I say I am better than my wife at housework because I am a man I get in trouble.

    If I say we are all dying and it's very sad I get told to lighten up.

    If I lighten up and say us all dying reduces the pressure on the NHS I am again in trouble.

    What to do. I can't ask my wife because I don't allow her independent opinions. Oh dear, will that get me in trouble, I do hope not because I'm not well.

    Toodlepip my friends or friend or pretend friend.  

  • I am really starting to get concerned about you,.

    Think i will just agree with everything you say,

    Because you always say you know i am right.

    Who am i to argue with a man xx

  • Oh Dave when you dig a hole you dig it deep, you don't  put your male chovenist foot in it you dive in head first.  If I was Angie I'd wack you round the head with my heaviest frying pan. Or are you trying to wind us lady's up xx


  • When i always win 

  • Might knock some sence into him though