Funny turn

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  • 48 subscribers

That's what my Mum would have called it. You had a 'funny turn'. Well this is the second one I've had.

There I was, after breakfast, making pancakes this morning. It's easy, but involves a lot of looking down and as I make a big batch to freeze it can take over an hour to cook them all.

I got just over half-way then started feeling odd. Got a  sort of 1-min warning then flashing lights;ears popping; the usual dry-mouth, break into a sweat, here comes a panic thing; Heart rate goes up and off we go. Stagger to a chair. Managed to turn pan off. Then blacked out for a very few moments. Couldn't breathe.

Husband gets me to lie down, duvet over, get calm, everything passes. Then feel wrecked. As if I've just run a marathon. Bit scary.

Anybody else get this sort of thing?

No way am I going to the doctor in this weather and I certainly don't intend to end up in a freezing cold A&E on a trolley.

Am taking it easy though. Bloody hell. There's always something!

Your thoughts & experiences of similar always welcome.

Rainie x

  • Sorry to hear that, though i have not, Could be many things, but if second time you really should get it checked, i know you do not want to, but better safe than sorry,

    Hope some one comes along that might have had the same thing, phone Macmillan and speak to the nurse, i have done that when daughter was not good, very very helpful.

  • Thankyou ellie. Phoning Macmillan is certainly something I could do. I didn't think about that as an option. Rainie x

  • I did it, as for looking for advise really they where good, could be many thing, BP, infection loads of things, hope you find out soon 

  • Im awfully sorry and worried for you.

    I wouldn't want to leave my house but you have to have a plan in case it happens again. 

    If you can do nothing for the rest of the day then maybe you won't encourage what caused it to do it again.

    Fingers crossed for you. X

  • That sounds quite scary, though I'm not surprised you don't want to venture out. Ive no advice, just hugs and look after yourself xxx


  • Hi Rainie, It is scary when something like that happens! I've had similar but not the same. I didn't black out which is the worrying part, I too am worried about you! When I was making some tray bakes, crispy cake, rocky road etc, to give in to the school for their Christmas Fayre, I had finished three and was about to put them in the fridge to cool down, I felt dizzy and the heat rising from my chest to my head, then felt the headache come on. I turned off the cooker and went into the living room holding onto the furniture for dear life and managed to get to the chair.  I did not black out but started shaking. I put it down to standing for too long. It happened again about a week later when i was making an omelette, only this time my husband was in. He wanted to take me to A&E but I told him that by the time we got there, I'd be fine. He wasn't happy but said if it happened again to tell him. I didn't mention the first time but I was sure again I had been standing for too long!

    I make sure now, I use my leaning stool I keep in the kitchen. If I had blacked out (as you put it) I'd be asking a professional for advice!!

    Take care,

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi  , that's a very frightening and concerning experience you had. You say you don't want to go out in this weather but if your doctor's surgery is close maybe you could get a taxi there and back. Get your blood pressure checked and even a simple blood test may reveal the reason for your experience.

    I had a similar situation a few years ago. I was still working at the time so it was pre diagnosis so over 7 years ago but it led to my cancer being discovered.

    I had been getting up to the toilet and when I was standing having a wee (sorry about the details) and I suddenly began to struggle with my breathing. I got back to bed but in the succeeding nights it happened again and again then it disappeared. 

    A month or so later, up I got and I was struggling to breathe and I made a decision to contact the doctor because I knew that I shouldn't be feeling that way. Next thing I'm looking up at my wife's worried face. I had collapsed and was lying on my back, kind of twisted. She helped me up and called an ambulance which took me straight to hospital. This wasn't long after I had had heart surgery so I thought something to do with my heart but no, my haemoglobin level was very low. 

    In the preceding 6 or 7 weeks I had a weekly venesection as treatment for a high ferritin (iron) reading due to a haemachromatosis discovery. That's caused by a rare mutated gene in the blood and it is loosely called iron overload or the Celtic Curse. It's hereditary and both my parents must have carried the defective gene. If that's the case then I would have a 1 in 4 chance of developing the condition and unluckily I had. 

    So began the process to find out why my red cell count was so low and it wasn't long before I was diagnosed with a bone marrow cancer. 

    So that's my story which is why, like you, I felt a little strange, Rainie 

    Tvman  xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Good morning Rainie I to get the awful feeling when standing to long as Annette does and its always when I'm in the kitchen cooking. Mine starts as my shoulders stiffens then it goes down my back, my arms go weak and I have to sit before I fall down. After I sit for a few minutes it goes and I feel weak for a while. Had it checked by gp and non the wise. I find if I take little  breaks it doesn't happen. Do get it checked because you have passed out and it would put your mind at rest. Take care, sending hugs xx


  • Hi rainie,

    I would get it checked out but if it happens again, lie on floor with legs raised on sofa, this may help you ?recover faster/stop you blacking out.

    I've had similar experiences, was checked out but no reason found. I still have them now and again.

    A x

  • Thanks to everybody for your considered responses.

    I slept well last night which helped a lot. Taking it easy today.

    I think the trigger may have something to do with looking down for a prolonged period and something in my neck kicked it off. It's what you do when you stand in the kitchen and cook and I've never had any of these symptoms in any other room save standing at the stove. Interesting that others have had it doing similar things. I will get it checked out but I'm going to wait a bit. Thanks again.  Rainie x