• 15 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Hi To Everyone in the Incurables Group.

I am so sad to tell you I have been asked by Ruthjp from the Group, to say her goodbye's to you all and tell you she will no longer be participating in the site.

I know for the past while, Ruth has not been able to sign in as when she does it takes her to the main home page of the site. There it tells you to join or sign in but when she does that, it just takes her back to the main home page. Instead of going round in circles, Ruth has just been reading the posts without being able to reply or participate in any way. I also had a problem with this happening but it seemed to rectify itself after about a week. The fault has been reported to Admin but until and including now nothing has improved.

Ruth probably thought I would write one or two lines expressing her wishes but as you all know by now, that's just not me! It has taken me almost an hour to write this because I am so saddened by the fact we are loosing a good friend who has supported and encouraged others for a long time and she will be sadly missed.

The last thing Ruth said was would I say a special goodbye and thanks to Tvman. So I have reluctantly done all I was asked to do.

  • Oh this is so sad to hear I have problems sometimes still as well in replying to posts Thank you for telling us all Ruth will be sadly missed by everyone such a shame to loose Ruth under these circumstances 

  • Oh what a shame.  Ruth is a stalwart of this group and I'll miss her contributions.  

    I have that circular login problem.  I just persevere and eventually it logs me in.  There's lots of variables depending on what device you are using (phone/laptop), what operating system (win, android, iphone) and whether you've saved your password.  But I work in IT so I am not a typical sample user.  It's not a good look to the technical support and design of the forum that this problem has driven someone away.   :-(

  • Oh how sad and not fair....Ruth has been here forever and will so be missed. I hope she may able to come back! Sending her a big hug.

  • So sad to hear this Annette, it does drive you mad when the site isn't doing as it should. I've also had that happen a few times but as you say it rights itself. Good luck for the future Ruth xx


  • Hi Annette, that’s really sad. I suspect a lot of people that were once very active in various groups have done the same thing. Such a shame as I’m sure it’s a life line for many. We will miss Ruth. xx

  • Just tagging to make sure he sees this in due course.  He might have the circular login problem too!

  • Thank you  xx Much appreciated.

    Love life and family.
  • It's very sad to hear this especially in a group that forms friendships and helps each other when needed although I know most of the groups do that. I think I commented in the online survey that's going on at present that this was a problem being sent in circles when trying to log in. Maybe if enough people comment something may be done but I'm not holding my breathe.

    Take care Ruth you will be missed xx

  • Hi everyone

    It's Steph here from the Community team, I hope you don't mind me posting here today. 

    It's sad to hear that Ruth has decided to leave the site and of course we will see if there's anything we can do to help. 

    I wanted to reassure you all that we always respond to reports of technical issues, usually on the same day it is reported. 

    There is usually something we can do to help members if they are experiencing logging in issues, so if you're experiencing anything like this, please do let us know. 

    Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns. You can post in the Technical Support group, contact us by email at community@macmillan.org.uk or even PM us on the site at

    Online Community Officer
  • Oh no! Admin need to get on the ball with this and make it TOP PRIORITY. We can't lose Ruth because like me and Annette, she has been here forever. Ruth, if you are reading this, I'm so touched that you have mentioned me in particular. I have noticed that when I posted anything that Ruth was more often than not the first one to respond. I haven't been around much this week because since Monday Mrs Tvman has been ill. She's been having bloods taken to get to the bottom of the problem especially since there's a scarlet fever mini epidemic around and she works in a school 

    When I received this post and Ruth's name was mentioned I thought for one horrible minute that Ruth has succumbed to this awful disease. Happily that is not the the case Slight smile

    Please reconsider leaving Ruth when your login is fixed.

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.