Weight loss.

  • 31 replies
  • 48 subscribers

As I have said I have been diagnosed with diabetes early this year. I have lossed about 12lb in weight, from not eating sweets cakes and crisps and a major change in my diet, so the doctor is pleased.

Saying that the cancer team are a bit concerned, but I have assured them it's intended weight loss but looked at with pity, as if I don't no what I'm on about. xx


  • Thank you Annette.

    i am eating what and when and I can and the high calorie stuff.

    it is hard both ways being underweight and being overweight.



  • ruthjip,

    How about  Costa  frappes, with all the trimmings -  whipped cream and chocolate etc, or one of their other calorie laden drinks.?

    Those things are loaded wirh calories and easy to get down i imagine..  Could you maybe squash a couple of those in every week?  They do takeaways. Someone could get them for you?

  • ruthjip,

    How about  Costa  frappes, with all the trimmings -  whipped cream and chocolate etc, or one of their other calorie laden drinks.?

    Those things are loaded wirh calories and easy to get down i imagine..  Could you maybe squash a couple of those in every week?  They do takeaways. Someone could get them for you?

    Just realised you're diabetic and they probably have tons of sugar.  

    Have to have another think.

  • I am not diabetic.

    i don’t drink coffee much.

     I do like friui such as raspberries or strawberries with ice cream and had half a pizza followed by cream brûlée the other day. 


  • Hi Ruth, that sounds nice. My husband has been a chocoholic since stopping smoking some 20+ years ago and everyone said he would put on weight fast. He eats choc biscuits with every coffee and after dinner has choc fudge, choc raisins etc and the shock to everyone is he hasn't put on a pound, been around the same weight since his teens. If I had to eat what he eats, I'd be like Mr Blobby!

    Its good you are not diabetic because then you have no restrictions!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Oops sorry,

    That was meant for Moi x

  • Well done Thumbsup 

    I wound be careful not to lose any more thought 

    I have gone from over 10 1/2 stone to just over 8 stone without trying in a year - and probably scoffing more chocolate crisps and biscuits and definitely moving less

    im now in the ideal range for my height but the cancer definitely caused me to lose the weight 

    maybe your diabetes and cancer teams can have a chat and get some agreement 

    either way a good diet can’t be a bad thing 

  • Here's a question then about weight loss.  Do people notice and remark on it?  A few people have with me, but they don't know about the cancer.  In my mind I think "it's the cancer!" and then "oh no, I don't want to talk about it".  You can imagine the conversation:

    Friend:  "You've lost so much weight.  What's made the difference?"

    Me: "Cancer"    Laughing  "I don't recommend it" Grinning

    Luckily no one has asked me what my magic formula is . . . yet. 

  • Hi Mmum I've been asked and just say " I've just stopped eating crap". My sister is worried its the cancer. I'm at the hospital on Friday (cancer one) see what they say. Xx


  • Since I had to stop working because of the cancer and also a few months later I had to use a wheelchair, I have put on over 4 stone and I have a largish belly which I hate.

    I follow a fairly fat free diet because I had a heart attack 11 years ago now although I drink far too much which I discussed 3 or 4 years ago in this group which some of you may remember. 

    Just a word of warning to those who are trying to pile on the pounds through consuming a lot of fatty foods that you risk harming your heart and you're becoming prime candidates for heart disease although I fully understand your reasons for doing so. A case of being caught between a rock and a hard place. I'd greatly recommend getting referred to a dietician who might have another way, ossibly the high calorie drinks that some have suggested. It would be really ironic if death resulted from a heart attack! 

    Take care everyone

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.