New date for my op

  • 30 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hi all, well yesterday I phoned the lung nurse at one hospital who had given me her card to ask if you could give the surgeon a poke! Lo and behold this afternoon I got a phone call offering me a date for my op. 
I will be going in on the 18th September and having my op on the 19th.  So I have rearranged my flu jab for October and got the dog an appointment on Friday at the vets for a dental check up. He had to have them scaled and polished 3 months ago and was due for a check up. Insurance for pets being what it is, if you miss something like that they can refuse to pay for treatment for the same problem again later. As I found out before, thankfully the vets sorted it out with them as I had been I’ll at the time and left it. I needed the appointment this week so that I can be pretty sure I won’t have caught another dose of Covid to cancel the op. So it looks like I am all sorted again now.

I expect I will start to panic again as the date gets closer, but I have got to try really hard to stay calm this time.

love and hugs 

Maggie xx 

  • I really really hope your hospital carries on as scheduled.  

  • I’m glad your op is going ahead. It is wrong to cancel peoples operations because of the Queens funeral 

    Best wishes xxx


  • Hi Maggie so pleased for you getting uour op on the 19th hope all goes well sending hugs xx


  • Hi Maggie, You must be relieved and I think the hospital will be discharging as many people as possible over the weekend so that the staff who are working aren't run off their feet. I hope all goes well and I hope to hear on Sunday that you are settling in the hospital, ready for your op on Monday.

    I am booked in to have my 5th Covid booster on Monday at 18.05. I phoned the helpline on Friday, hoping to book another date before we go on holiday. However I was told the injection would go ahead on Monday as they come under critical services. I was very surprised.

    As you say, the NHS staff always seem to go above and beyond their job remit! God bless them all!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Fingers crossed Maggie that your op goes ahead on Monday Fingers crossed 

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Good morning Maggie

    i am really wishing everything goes according to plan for you, waiting is never easy and I find it can be stressful. Good luck and fingers crossed for you 



  • Hope everything goes well for you xxx

  • Hi Flippen, Good to see you post. I don't remember seeing your name for a while! Is everything ok or is it just that I am not getting all the notifications? I do hope it is the latter!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi I am ok thanks for asking I am posting but sometimes I don't get all the notifications either normally takes me 3 goes when I hit the reply I want to get involved with hope you doing ok too nice to hear from you xxx

  • Hi, Yes the notifications seem to be a hit or a miss! I'm doing not bad thanks, still here which is a miracle in itself. Suffering with osteoarthritis and they can't replace my right knee as the surgery would be too dangerous due to my non existent immune system and cirrhosis of the liver.

    However, we are off on holiday to Salou on 30th which has been booked since 2019 and we just kept postponing it because of Covid. I'm looking forward to a bit of heat, we actually had overnight frost last night!

    Stay well and keep in touch.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!