New date for my op

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  • 49 subscribers

Hi all, well yesterday I phoned the lung nurse at one hospital who had given me her card to ask if you could give the surgeon a poke! Lo and behold this afternoon I got a phone call offering me a date for my op. 
I will be going in on the 18th September and having my op on the 19th.  So I have rearranged my flu jab for October and got the dog an appointment on Friday at the vets for a dental check up. He had to have them scaled and polished 3 months ago and was due for a check up. Insurance for pets being what it is, if you miss something like that they can refuse to pay for treatment for the same problem again later. As I found out before, thankfully the vets sorted it out with them as I had been I’ll at the time and left it. I needed the appointment this week so that I can be pretty sure I won’t have caught another dose of Covid to cancel the op. So it looks like I am all sorted again now.

I expect I will start to panic again as the date gets closer, but I have got to try really hard to stay calm this time.

love and hugs 

Maggie xx 

  • It's so soon you won't have time to worry. We will worry for you instead, how about that.?

    You will be so pleased when it's over and done. Doggy to!

  • Hi AA, thanks yes I will try to let you worry for me! At least I have got everything ready for when I go in and lots of meals and a cleaner ready for when I return home.

    I am better prepared this time with entertainment etc. 

    love and hugs 

    Maggie xx 

  • So Glad you've sorted your op out. As AA said the next week will fly by. Hope all goes well xx


  • So pleases, get it done with, then you can move on as such, with recovering, x

  • Good luck for the 19th I will be thinking of you xxx


  • Good news Maggie and at least you're better prepared this time. 

    All the best. x

  • Hi Maggie, That is great, the sooner it gets done, the sooner you will be home recovering!

    It was meant to be just to give you time to sort out your entertainment! 

    Keep in touch.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • That's good. Now you can concentrate with getting it over with and recuperating. Of course it's always scary having anything done, but you know your plan is in place now and that in itself is good progress. We will all be rooting for you.  Rainie x

  • That's great news Maggie, all the best for the 19th, I shall watch this space when you feel well enough

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi all, sad as the Queens death is, I have been unsure after a phone call on Monday from the hospital about weather or not my op would go ahead on Monday. I had a phone call late this afternoon to say as long as there is a bed for me on Sunday that it will. What a relief that was. Whilst I can understand that people want to watch all the ceremony it has left me in limbo a bit. I have been watching it myself and if I wasn’t going in I know that I would have watched it all on Monday. It has made for a tough few days, as it all depended on if there were enough staff willing to work. I realise that it must be hard for the staff as they are pulled both ways really. It’s a once in a lifetime happening for a lot of people and yet they also know the importance of their jobs. 
    It’s only really when you are affected by something that you realise how much we all owe to the selflessness of  the people who work in the NHS. 
    love and hugs

    Maggie xx