New date for my op

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Hi all, well yesterday I phoned the lung nurse at one hospital who had given me her card to ask if you could give the surgeon a poke! Lo and behold this afternoon I got a phone call offering me a date for my op. 
I will be going in on the 18th September and having my op on the 19th.  So I have rearranged my flu jab for October and got the dog an appointment on Friday at the vets for a dental check up. He had to have them scaled and polished 3 months ago and was due for a check up. Insurance for pets being what it is, if you miss something like that they can refuse to pay for treatment for the same problem again later. As I found out before, thankfully the vets sorted it out with them as I had been I’ll at the time and left it. I needed the appointment this week so that I can be pretty sure I won’t have caught another dose of Covid to cancel the op. So it looks like I am all sorted again now.

I expect I will start to panic again as the date gets closer, but I have got to try really hard to stay calm this time.

love and hugs 

Maggie xx 

  • Yes Flippen good to see your name again. Hope you're as well as you can be 

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Maggie,

    How are you doing? I hope all went well and you are now recovering!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette, sorry it has taken a while to reply. I came home last night at 10pm. It had taken all day for my tablets to be ready. The doctors had put the prescription into the pharmacy 1st thing in the morning. I am sorry to say I suffered from Anaesthesia Delirium and tried everyone I had access to for help including the Police! I was convinced I had been kidnapped and drugged. They were poisoning me and everyone else with something in the air! I was terrified. My daughter in law says I was aggressive. I suppose I was in my head I was fighting for my life. 
    My poor son was even told I didn’t trust him that he was involved in it all!! I tell you Annette, never again without something being set up to protect me if it happens again!

    Now I just have to wait for an appointment to go back and see if any of the bits they sliced and diced are anything to worry about. 
    I am taking it slowly now, can’t quite manage to rush around, and doing something small and then sitting down till I got over it, when I start again.

    Apparently the texts I sent out to all and sundry where just strings of letters, made worse by the fact that I had the shakes and predictive text filled in any gaps! 
    Anyway hope you are ok. 
    love and hugs 

    Maggie xx 

  • Hello Maggie, You have been through a frightening experience. I've never heard of this delirium and you've described it so graphically it's something I'm sure I never want to experience. So just wishing you all the best and hope things are now calmer and you're beginning to feel somewhat restored now you're back at home. Sending you a big hug girl.  Rainie x

  • Hi Rainie, thank you. You have no idea what that hug means..

    love and hugs 

    Maggie xx 

  • Wow Maggie that's a new one, never come across it before, I don't know what to say I'm amazed.

  • Hi Maggie,

    I am glad you are home ok.

    Sorry you had anaesthesia delirium. It must have been very frightening. Good it is all over now and you are home and have had your op.

    let us know how you are are and the results of your operation.

    thinking of you xxx


  • Oh Maggie, you poor thing. It is bad enough to be going through surgery but that happening on top of it, you didn't need. I'm so pleased you are now back home although that is a ridiculous length of time to wait for prescriptions, as once you are told you can go home, that is all you want to do!

    just you take your time and rest as much as you can. You have been through a lot, so take time to build your strength back just as slowly as you need to. Your family must have been beside themselves with worry, they will want to do all they can now to help your recovery. Hoping for good results!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Oh Maggie, I am glad that you are safely home, my mum had that reaction to anaesthetic once, it was really quite frightening. Hugs xxx


  • Oh Maggie, such a horrible experience that you've had, sounds horrendous. Here's a big hug from me too ((  ))

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.