Not been around too much!

  • 13 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi everyone.

Not been around too much, went for a brief trip down south and caught up with family and friends which was nice but I hated how busy it was there. 

Decided to have a bit more me time, ventured out with my bestie and guess what, caught Covid! Not been too bad, just like a heavy head cold but had to go to hospital for an infusion, took 30 minutes, had obs testing every 15 minutes and all went well. 2 Neg tests and I'm good to go out but after that think I'll pass. (cost £2,500!)

Didn't have my face to face with my Oncologist so phone consultation instead. Although he's very positive I'm not. The pain's gradually coming back in my side causing discomfort and shortness of breath. My blood's are ok, FBC increasing but so is my CA125. Liver and kidney function not as good as they should be but probably due to Covid. 

Surely the metastic deposits that were hardly visible less than 3 months ago can't be coming back this quick? My Oncologist has booked a scan for me on 8th September , more for my reassurance than anything else. He said it's too soon for more chemo so what then? Think I'm losing it a bit, really scared this time!

Barb xx

  • Hi

    I am sorry you have not been to good, though hopefully getting on the mend,

    Its hard, though we do have to trust our oncologist, though our mine goes into overdrive, been there got the tee shirt.

    I have bloods tomorrow before my ct scan, then more bloods in two weeks, now got osteoporosis , if its not one thing it is some thing else,

    My grandson tested positive for covid this week, so all staying away from me.

    I have got to try and slow down, that's not doing me any good, though keep busy so i do not think, cannot win.

    You are not losing it, you are normal as we all are,

    Though it is good to see you back, one day at a time, as we all know,

    Good to see you, 

  • That covid is a bugger, I bet it is behind a lot of your troubles. Ellie is right, got to trust the onco, they know you and your body. Of course you feel scared, you have had a shock but you will be back fighting fit. X

  • Hi Barb,

    Glad you're back. Sorry you ended up with the dreaded lurgy after your trip. I think you are just displaying all the normal feelings. I too have a lot of discomfort in my side and in particular spots of tenderness under my left arm that were making me worried, but my surgeon tells me that it all seems OK from his point of view and that the place that is worrying me is right where there was a big cut, so it's scar tissue in all liklihood. We can't help but think the worst sometimes. It goes with the territory. Chin up girl. Onwards and upwards.  Hugs from Rainie x

  • Hi Barb, It is good to have you back but I'm sorry you picked up Covid on your travels. I am curious, what cost £2,500? I can't figure it out! I wonder if your best friend caught Covid or was it just you.

    Anyway, it is normal to feel the way you do about discomfort. I think we feel a little niggle or a big one and our mind goes into overdrive, we all do it, especially when we have scans etc due. As the others have said, we have to have faith in our onc and know they will do their best for us! It shows how much he cares when he has booked a scan to put your mind at rest I would say!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Barb, sorry to hear you have been unwell with covid. I can understand how worried you are having this pain in your side.  The shortness of breath could well be the covid, it took my daughter weeks to fully recover, and she would get breathless very easily. It really does play on our minds, but hopefully the scan will put your mind at rest.

    I’m with Annette, I’m not sure what cost £2500? Xx


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Annette. The infusion I was given was called Sotrovimab which is an engineered human monoclonal antibody that neutralizes SARS-CoV-2 and multiple other sarbecoviruses apparently.

    I recently received a notification from the NHS there was further treatment available should I get Covid-19. When I reported the positive result within 30 minutes a nurse called me to assess me and see if I was eligible. I was then called by a doctor who further assessed me and told me I have to attend the hospital. I've attached a link for more info: Treatments for coronavirus (COVID-19) - NHS ( I think that's useful for all of us on here.

    No idea where I caught covid, certainly not on trip down south. Only other time when I was out with my bestie. She tested negative, as did my hubby - so the little bugger was sitting on a shelf somewhere waiting for me to pick it up! Only went in one large shop which was fairly empty, we had lunch outside and kept away from people.

    As for my Onc. I pray he's right but I'll just have to wait and see!

    Thanks all for your support, love you loads, Barb xx

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    Womb cancer forum

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    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Hi Barb, Yes I received the same letter a few weeks ago with a number to call if I get Covid again. Thanks for the information. Do you have to pay privately for the treatment they offer? That's a lot of money!

    I didn't read anything on the Link you posted that said anything about paying for treatment!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette. There's no charge for the treatment and you're not limited to the number of times you can have it I was told! Apparently it's still cheaper than the cost should we end up on an ICU with Covid!

    Hugs Barb xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Womb cancer forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Hi Barb 

    You've been through so much lately. Trust your onco is my thought too. I wouldn't like to think what the cost for my weekly treatment is over the last 7 years but I've paid enough in taxes during my lifetime and the same for you no doubt.

    Take care and stay safe Barb

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Barb, I didn't think there was any charge for treatment but wondered why in your original post you said something cost £2,500 I'm confused! Anyway, no matter, have a good day!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!