Not been around too much!

  • 13 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi everyone.

Not been around too much, went for a brief trip down south and caught up with family and friends which was nice but I hated how busy it was there. 

Decided to have a bit more me time, ventured out with my bestie and guess what, caught Covid! Not been too bad, just like a heavy head cold but had to go to hospital for an infusion, took 30 minutes, had obs testing every 15 minutes and all went well. 2 Neg tests and I'm good to go out but after that think I'll pass. (cost £2,500!)

Didn't have my face to face with my Oncologist so phone consultation instead. Although he's very positive I'm not. The pain's gradually coming back in my side causing discomfort and shortness of breath. My blood's are ok, FBC increasing but so is my CA125. Liver and kidney function not as good as they should be but probably due to Covid. 

Surely the metastic deposits that were hardly visible less than 3 months ago can't be coming back this quick? My Oncologist has booked a scan for me on 8th September , more for my reassurance than anything else. He said it's too soon for more chemo so what then? Think I'm losing it a bit, really scared this time!

Barb xx

  • . Hi Annette. It was whilst I was waiting for the infusion to arrive. I'd gone through the questions and signed the form. The cannula had been put in and I was just sitting there waiting for best part of 45 minutes to get started. A nurse came in the room and I jokingly said I thought they'd forgotten me. She said the wait was for the pharmacy to dispense the drug, it cost in the region of £2,500 but was worth it if it kept me out of the ICU.

    I looked briefly on an American site and it cost $400/mg I had a 50mg infusion. So it looks about right.

    Hugs, Barb xx

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  • Hi Barb, 

    I think it's normal for us to be vigilant and alert to any symptoms after all we've been through. I'm the same and I'm not finished chemo yet. Hopefully, you've pulled something and there's a simple explanation.

    A x

  • Thanks Barb,, Oh I've got it now! Yes a lot of these drugs are very expensive, we are lucky to have the NHS or a lot of us would not be here!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!