Happy Birthday Annette

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Hi Annette, 

I hope your day has begun in a good way, and continues to be the best it can. 
It is cooler thank goodness so going out will be much more enjoyable. 
love and hugs

Maggie xx

  • Oh, I am so sorry that the Orthopods said they can't help, what a bugger! I was having a bad night because there is lots of difficult stuff going on at the moment, not specifically for me, though I am currently having scan anxiety as expecting results on Monday, but my daughter's partner's mother has just arrived home from hospital,  hopefully in the care of hospice at home, but it is not clear that she has the support she needs and her partner and sons are struggling. 


  • I am so sorry to hear about your breathing Ruth, it must be quite frightening not being able to catch your breath! It is good you can control the pain but have you asked or have they mentioned anything that may help make your breathing better? Maybe like some kind of inhaler or anything? I hope they have something to help!

    That's great having a visit from your son, that will help I'm sure! Oh poor Nora, Vince works in the Out of Hours Service of the NHS and he said the other night it was all babies and children coming in with this virus. The good news is although the doctor can't really do anything for a virus, it doesn't seem to be lasting long! Enjoy your son's visit!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thanks Moi, I will gladly take any help available. My friend also does Reiki and I know it can be powerful.

    The only way they can help with the pain now, is to give me something to knock me out and I haven't come this far just to sleep all day!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Sarah, that is a lot to deal with! Scanxiety is something we all know, although it doesn't make a difference to the results, so best to try to take your mind off it!

    I hope they can get hospice care at home sorted out for the lady. It may be that she wasn't expected to get home and they haven't got things in place yet but once it is sorted out the hospice care at home is incredible, so that should take the pressure off the family!

    Let us know when you have your results! I have everything crossed  for you! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thank you Annette,

    It is reassuring to know it is just a virus that is going round and she will be over it soon. My daughter has been quite anxious for her.

    The breathlessness is horrible and gets me down. I just think it will gradually get worse which is a bit depressing. The thing that helps is distraction and doing things like going out with my husband and friends and family xxx


  • Hi Ladies, just been reading your thread, I have prostate cancer and a lot of your symptoms are mine as well, it would be great if they could take away the pain without compromising our lives, being a man I never fully understood hot flushes, boy oh boy do I understand them now, as to breathless, I could walk to our local shopping centre in 4 minutes now takes me 20 minutes, the hot weather just makes things worse.

    All the best Ulls 

  • I had Reiki for three years and so did Tom, threw the hospice, because he was my other half, he was in pain 24hrs a day.

    We both found it wonderful, and would recommended it, Always fell asleep, but did notice a difference , regarding symptoms.

  • Hi Ellie, I've never tried reiki, don't know what it is but will look into it, I think it's wonderful how you ladies cope with your cancer's, just inspirational 

  • We did not know what it was, but  because i was having chemo, certain, things i could not have, So we went for  this,

    I started first, though Tom always had to take me, as i do not drive, then he got offered it.

    I thought he is not going to have it, but he landed up love ling it, We had it every week.

    Its what that cal Hands on or Hands of, all to do with energy in the body, and have to say, Christina  the lady that done it, was drawn to where you may be having the main problem, though her hands went t all the body you just lay there,

    Tom and i both hand hands on, though if it had been a man i would have had hands off lol.


  • Hi Ellie I have been  practicing Reiki for about 7 yrs I'm grade 2, level 3 is for teaching don't want to do that. It's a very relaxing complimentary experience that can go along side your treatment,  infact it's often recommended .xx
