Lovely Morning 2

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Hi all We're Having a Heat Wave ! I'd  like to hear how it's affecting you. It's really drained me  my daughter and family are home from Ibiza for the month, there at her in laws this weekend (thank god,)  cos I couldn't go places with them it's to hot, I just don't have the strength. I've already declined going to Alton Towers, but need a rest. Not moaning just saying. XX


  • Sounds lovely to stand in a paddling pool.

    I so miss swimming which I can’t do now because I get breathless 

    I have always loved the sunshine and sea. This warm weather will soon be gone xxx


  • Sounds like a fun packed afternoon. Love seeing the kids enjoying them selves. My left leg swells in the heat I've had a support stocking on most of the day. Can't  grumble at least I've still got it. XX


  • FINALLY WE HAVE RAIN!!! But it's still 19! Due to go down to 15 at 04.00!! Yeh!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Still 22 here rain due tomorrow  night. Never got much sleep last night, hope to sleep better tonight xx


  • Hi Moi2, It is difficult to sleep when it is too hot. We have all the bedroom windows open and there isn't even a breath of air coming in. The forecast for tonight said at 01.00 it would be 17C but when I just looked at the app it told me temp 17 but feels like 19!! A lot of good that is but at least it is better than past week or so.

    I have had a lot of problems with my left leg. At one stage I even asked the orthopaedic surgeon if he could just remove it as I've had a knee replacement as well as a groin dissection and MM on that leg. His answer was that if he removed it I would probably still get the nerve pain because lots of amputees have 'phantom pain'! Not the answer I wanted, so that's my only grumble! Hope you get some sleep!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Sorry you are suffering with the heat. It will get better and then we will be complaining we are cold.

    that doesn’t stop the heat being unpleasant. 
    sorry you have pain in your leg. Nerve pain I think is the worst and there isn’t much that helps xxx


  • I think it it could be the internet connection that is your problem with it repeating several  times xxx


  • Morning ladies & gents, well we have rain in liverpool this morning yesssss!! Slept reasonably once I got to Sleeping  hope all had a comfy night. Waiting for my nurse to come and give me my  monthly treatment at home, saves going to clinic. We chat or watch telly for an hour or so while I'm being topped up lol xx


  • It must be really painful, nerve pain is awful, we're a right pair, you asking to have your leg off and  me begging surgeon not to take mine off, he said he'd do his best and he did. Was so pleased when I woke up and still had it. Badly scared and problematic but it's MINE XX


  • It's raining in Northern Ireland atm, what's new lol lol. And yes, cooler today. We had 5 days of hot hot sun. Yippee!  Didn't reach the temps of London and the South East tho, thank goodness!

    Enjoy your trip.
