Lovely Morning 2

  • 32 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi all We're Having a Heat Wave ! I'd  like to hear how it's affecting you. It's really drained me  my daughter and family are home from Ibiza for the month, there at her in laws this weekend (thank god,)  cos I couldn't go places with them it's to hot, I just don't have the strength. I've already declined going to Alton Towers, but need a rest. Not moaning just saying. XX


  • Hi , didn't know there was anyone else from Northern Ireland here, I have though it was on my own. I'm from the east of county Down near Strangford Lough. 

    Tvman x 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi again Moi, I'll be leaving from Birkenhead on Wed morning, just across the Mersey from you

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi!

    I'm in the North West. Derry - Londonderry Smirk  Not too sure if there are many more of us but it's a great forum for finding out things and getting tips from others on handling treatments, symptoms etc.

    I'm in a few of the groups and find others stories and experiences interesting and at times uplifting!

    Hope all is going well for you? 


  • Hi Sandra, we're as far away from each other nearly as far as we can get. I'm fine, I'm only in this group (it's enough for me!). I've been here for about 6 years, I was diagnosed with MDS, a very rare cancer, in March 2015 Have a look at my profile. I'm on holiday ATM at my daughter's in Cambridgeshire. 

    I'll chat more when I get home.

    Tvman x


    Love life and family.
  • I know what you mean. I don't drive and waiting for a bus to town is no joke with a terminal illness, in this heat, especially as service is unreliable and more cuts since covid mean less buses. If I'm in the sun too long I feel nauseous and feel as if I might faint, so.was glad to get in the cool shopping mal. Keeping my little bungalow as cool as possible with tower fan and windows,blinds and curtains closed until late evening. I like sitting on patio at night but keep getting bitten!

  • Hi Nan3942 public transport is not fun, and can only imagine how awful it must be in the heat too. Hopefully there is some cooler weather on the way. Let’s hope so anyway. You are doing the right thing keeping the windows and curtains drawn in the heat. Yesterday it was unbearable here, so we went to the cinema, just so we could sit in the aircon for a few hours. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • What a great idea - not been to the flics for yonks

  • We saw Elvis it was really good, and with the adverts and previews we were there for 3 hours in the cool x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • What a good idea. Elvia is meant to be very good 


  • Flics and yonks, two words I havnt heard for years. Keep the old ones coming!