Lovely Morning 2

  • 32 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi all We're Having a Heat Wave ! I'd  like to hear how it's affecting you. It's really drained me  my daughter and family are home from Ibiza for the month, there at her in laws this weekend (thank god,)  cos I couldn't go places with them it's to hot, I just don't have the strength. I've already declined going to Alton Towers, but need a rest. Not moaning just saying. XX


  • Well Moi, what an interesting title of the new thread! 

    I have been out for a drive in Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire, the best places to go are shopping malls where it's so cool. This heat is abominable, I have to stay indoors if I'm not in a shopping mall or similar.. I'm leaving for Northern Ireland on Tuesday where it's much cooler

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • I can't take the credit for it Annette suggested it. The othere Lovely Morning got carried away with itself. 

    We've done shopping malls, Will 14 and Tom 12 really enjoyed their shopping trips and are looking very trendy. Went to Aldi shopping yesterday and stayed in the really cool shop for ages, didn't want to go outside lol. 

    Hope you and Mrs Tvman have had a loverly holiday with your family. Safe trip home on Tuesday  xx


  • I agree shopping malls are the place to go.

    keep out of the sun for the next couple of days then it will get cooler again.

    i still walk the dog every morning it was very hot today even though there was a breeze.

    tvman, have a good journey home and where it is cooler xx


  • Hi Moi 

    I'm surprised that the mods hadn't stepped in to close it down as they used to do and I was going to say that on the site and I looked and Annette had just beaten me to it!

    Thanks for the good wishes for our trip home, our boat leaves from Birkenhead at 10.30am on Wednesday. It's a 2½,hr trip from Peterborough and we need to be there at the port of Birkenhead by we're leaving at Tuesday lunch time and staying overnight in Birkenhead which is sensible, I think. No worries about heavy traffic, roadworks or God forbid, accident. 

    Take care Moi and stay safe


    Love life and family.
  • Thanks Ruth, after I arrive home I'll spend Thursday in my veg plot, getting it ship shape again. I've ordered overwintering onion sets, shallots and garlic as well as some brassica veg plants to plant in September to be ready as fresh green veg in spring. Yum.

    Take care Ruth and stay safe

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Guys

    I’m up for a new thread or discussion, if I’ve said that right, The other one had 80 plus pages and I was struggling to follow some of it. 

    In terms of the original narrative about coping with the heat, I’m not to be fair. I’m lying on my bed with just my pants on and a big fan blowing as fast as I can get it to go.

    This is still a bit new to me only being a few weeks diagnosed but at the same time feels like it has been for ever. So, my worry is when the weather does change it will be cold and miserable and at the moment, that’s not what I need. 

    So I’m making the most of this whilst it lasts. SunglassesSunglasses

    Take care guys,


  • Hi Rameses I used to be a sun lover lay out in sun for hours, but I like you are indoors fan on full blast. Suppose to rain tomorrow  so I will be going for a walk in the rain. Something I have always done, brolly and suitably closed. Xx


  • Hi Moi2, I'm so sorry if I have caused any problems and especially if I've upset Ellie, I would never want to do that! As Tvman said threads were shut down when they got to too many pages and I could see it coming, so as you say, it is our decision the post is in our hands now!

    Todays subject.....

    I have problems with the heat, my leg swells to twice it's size and is very uncomfortable. I have been doors with fans on all last week but today our grandchildren came to our garden where we put up the Gazebo (they are all fair skinned) and put a large paddling pool under it. They had fun especially when our son arrived with water guns for them all! It was great just watching but I've always been a Dooer rather than a watcher, so I went in for a paddle and suddenly had all the water guns pointed at me! It was the coolest I've been for weeks and would recommend it to everyone! 
    I too will go out in the rain, can't wait but can't carry a brolly having two elbow crutches and if I go in my wheelchair and used one my husband wouldn't be able to see. As it is, he tries to bump up pavements that are not dipped properly and I almost go flying as we come to an abrupt stop, That's when he can see! Stay cool!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Ramases, When the weather does change, you have to make a point of going out for, coffee or lunch to cheer yourself up as there would be no need to stay indoors. Or go to a local museum or gallery to pass the time!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • What?  There's more?!!  Grinning