Just a tad anxious

  • 24 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi all, I've not posted for a while. 

I was recently told my cancer was getting worse in my liver so I was changed from paclitaxel to eribulin. In the oncologist office I asked how long I may have if treatment stopped, he said less than 12 months!!!! I have no intention of stopping treatment, but this was a shock. Has anyone else been told this and out lived the prognosis? Hope you are all well. 

  • Hi there.  When I was first diagnosed I asked my urologist and oncology "how long".  They both said 5 years.  I asked the oncologist "how long if we don't do anything/treatment" and she said 2 years.  

    But these timescales are just an average guess.  At this point the consultants don't know how you are going to respond to treatment, neither can they predict the future behaviour of your cancer in your body.  Also the current modern treatment options doesn't impact the current "overall survival" metric until at least 5 years after a trial, so the advisory stats are way out of date.  

    My takeaway now is that the consultants really don't know.  It's just a best endeavours response based on likelihood, and other people's experience from some time ago.  

    I just look at the results from the scans, the trend/advice from my oncologist and make my own judgements now, bearing in mind that there is uncertainty and it can all change with new growth at any time.  

  • Hi Lily, I just hope that after reading these replies you don't now feel as anxious!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Lily, we have never spoken and I relatively new hear compared to the older people on this group, treat this group like the hotel California, you can check out but never leave, apart from me they are all a bit nuts.

    All the best Ulls 

  • Morning, i slept all night, was so shattered, hope you all have good day.

  • Quite lively on here today, loads of posting going on 

  •  i thought it was quiet, but have not long .,  been here.

  • I had 24 post linking me this morning, but yes it's gone quiet.

  • Hi Ellie, Oh to sleep all night, that would be bliss! I can't remember the last time I did that. Last night I think I managed about two hours, off and on, if that. I was taking my friend to a shopping centre today, she has very sore feet and can hardly walk. It was like the blind leading the blind! I dropped her off at the door of M&S which was where she wanted to go, then parked the car. It was exceptionally busy and hot. Normally my husband does that for me. There she was with her stick and me with my elbow crutches! I was exhausted before we got into the shop! We went for coffee then she bought the underwear she wanted, then I went back for the car.

    I've never been so glad to get back to the car and sit down. Has anyone else noticed that in shops, there are either no seats around or the seats they have are too low!

    Phew, glad to be home, just had some Oramorph and I'm off for a lie down. I'm sore all over but she was so grateful I had taken her.

    Love to all!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Anndanv you so deserve a lay down after your good deed, for your friend. XX

  • Hi anndanv, my local shopping centre took most of the seats away on the ground floor so they could fit in more stalls, there are seats upstairs but only 24, lots of stairs 2 escalators going up and 1lift, not good for disabled people, Sainsbury's and Asda both provide around 20 disabled car parking places, but the other 98 shops provid 5 between them.