Just a tad anxious

  • 24 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi all, I've not posted for a while. 

I was recently told my cancer was getting worse in my liver so I was changed from paclitaxel to eribulin. In the oncologist office I asked how long I may have if treatment stopped, he said less than 12 months!!!! I have no intention of stopping treatment, but this was a shock. Has anyone else been told this and out lived the prognosis? Hope you are all well. 

  • Hi Lily, Great to see you post again. I've just seen this as I didn't get a notification.

    I wonder why you asked because the doctors don't really know the answer to "how long". Even if/when your treatment stops working, there may still be options of trials etc. That's what I did! I was told I had 5-7 months, went on a trial drug, the rest is history! I'm well passed my sell by date by years...not months. Please concentrate on living and not dying. Think of being incurable but treatable not terminal. I still do that and live each day as it comes!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thank you for your reply.  This makes me feel better. I'm so glad you have beaten your odds, I'm going to do the same! 

    Lils x
  • Hi Lily, If the doctors were right with their prognosis there wouldn't be enough people on  here to chat.

    More people on here passed their sell by date than not. I'm 5 years on the winning side, not even touching wood, I'm confident. Have a share in that!

    Plans, trials, new drugs, stuff out there now that wasn't a month ago. 

    We all we have wobbles, a better day tomorrow I'm sure.x

  • Hi Lily, when I asked that question I was told 12 to 18 months, I'm a year over my sell by date and going strong. Take care xx

  • Wow, I'm so glad I asked, thank you everyone and fingers crossed there are more years to come.  Feeling much more positive today. 


    Lils x
  • i am 6 years overtime...so don't ask...just live

  • Hi Lils, My oncologist told me a "Positve Mental Attitude" is our best weapon against cancer! I was diagnosed in 2013 and have always been a "glass half full" person! Sounds as if you are too!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Yes I try to be positive,  but every now and again I get this little wobble where I start to doubt myself. Then I come here and you all pull me back up. Thank you.  Heart️ 

    Lils x
  • Lilly, we all have wobbles, Annette is correct, i try to be positive , and most of the time i am, but we are human, and at times we do crumble, i know  i do,Then have to give myself a little talk, and pick myself back up, not always easy, though nothing is in this  life, i was diagnosed in 2016, never thought i would be here typing to you, Had my moments, , .

    Stay with it, use this site when your down, and someone always here to hold your hand and we will pull you threw,

    Ellie xx