Just a tad anxious

  • 24 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi all, I've not posted for a while. 

I was recently told my cancer was getting worse in my liver so I was changed from paclitaxel to eribulin. In the oncologist office I asked how long I may have if treatment stopped, he said less than 12 months!!!! I have no intention of stopping treatment, but this was a shock. Has anyone else been told this and out lived the prognosis? Hope you are all well. 

  • Hi Ulls, All the seats were taken away during Lockdown, then when things eased off, there were only a few that were put back, all spread out! The large M&S we were in today has two floors and they have 2 low stools on each floor and that's it. Actually my friend sat on one near the cash desk and couldn't get back up. I tried, but couldn't help her, then a very kind gentleman asked if we needed a hand! The age of chivalry is not dead yet!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Unfortunately chivalry whent out as equality came in, except for older guy's 

  • I love a M &S shop. I went with my daughter to buy a dress for our anniversary party.

    you’re right there are not a lot of seats but ours is all on the flat and I coped quite well.

    well done for taking your friend there xxx


  • Ho yes M&S I like the quality, space and staff, far better than primark.