Are you still wearing a mask?

  • 12 replies
  • 49 subscribers

I still wear a mask in shops and most indoor places, especially seeing as I'm having chemo, but I seem to be only one wearing one most of the time.  Am I being paranoid,  or just sensible?

Part of me thinks sod it, you only get one life and maybe I just need to get on with things and take my chances and get out and about and go inside restaurants and theatres etc, but then on the other hand  I really don't want to get covid, especially while I'm having chemotherapy and my white count is a bit low.

What are others doing? Xxx Am I being a bit ott?

  • No Harebelle, you are not being paranoid, you are doing what you need to do in order to lessen your risk. I am exactly the same. I've got through so far by being careful and intend to carry on being so.

    You may be interested to hear about my cousin and her husband. Both are teachers - she of special needs - and they both have health issues. They have been scrupulous with hand washing and sanitising and put on a mask when there's a changeover of lessons. Windows remain open [not sure what will happen in the winter!] Their colleagues all think they're being fusspots. All of their colleagues, without exception, have had Covid. Neither of them has so far. So I think caution and hygiene pays off if you are vulnerable.  Rainie x

  • Hi Harebelle, both my wife and I still wear masks in public places, covid is still with us, you are the normal one 

  • I still wear a mask if I'm inside in a public place and carry hand gel with me. Can't be too careful. 

  • As you are having chemo I think you are being very sensible. Lots of people in my area are still wearing masks. The doctors and the chemist still insist on it, but lots of people in the supermarket still wearing them as well. Xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Thanks for all your thoughts on this. xxx  I'm going to continue being careful. It makes sense.

  • I still use a mask and use hand gel but notice them around less and less. Today at my GP's surgeon there was no requirement for masks and the hand gel wasn't on the table in reception.

    Neither hubby nor I have had Covid and we don't intend to get it so still ultra-cautious. I did laugh when driving through the town today, there was an elderly chap walking along the pavement and his mask looked a parachute halfway down his chest! He's probably got away with it!

    Hugs, Barb xx

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  • Hi Harebelle

    you are not being paranoid at all. My oncologist told me to be ultra careful during chemo treatment and I am still advised to be careful now I am on immunotherapy. I don’t mix inside although happy to socialise and eat outside. You are doing exactly the right thing.


  • Hi Harebelle I'm still wearing a mask, use hand sanitiser , windows open, so is my husband. We haven't had covid and don't intend getting it. Xx

  • I've a bone marrow cancer and I'm Immuno suppressed. Like Moi2 none of us have had Covid and don't want it so masks are compulsory for us.

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi tvman, I had covid in December last, got put on experimental table's worked great, don't want it again Very fritening