Are you still wearing a mask?

  • 12 replies
  • 49 subscribers

I still wear a mask in shops and most indoor places, especially seeing as I'm having chemo, but I seem to be only one wearing one most of the time.  Am I being paranoid,  or just sensible?

Part of me thinks sod it, you only get one life and maybe I just need to get on with things and take my chances and get out and about and go inside restaurants and theatres etc, but then on the other hand  I really don't want to get covid, especially while I'm having chemotherapy and my white count is a bit low.

What are others doing? Xxx Am I being a bit ott?

  • Yes , we hear that Tom Dick and Harriet get Covid and have little in the way of illness but for us who have incurable cancers it can be a vastly different story, very simple to become another statistic.


    Love life and family.
  • True that's why I was put on the experimental drug, to prevent me from going into hospital, 2 hospital's were full 3rd offerd the drug, the ambulance was outside the paramedics had me on oxygen, the tablet's arrived by courier within the hour, the paramedics left but left me on oxygen, it was 24 hous before I should any improvement, 3 days before I could breath on my own, I rather not experience that again, keep safe everyone.

    All the best Ulls