If You Didn't Have Cancer...

  • 24 replies
  • 51 subscribers

What do you think you would be doing in life?

This is something that just came to me. I know a lot of people would probably be working or enjoying retirement. Are there any hobbies you think you might have started?

If I didn't have Cancer I'd still be working. I work from home but it's not the same as it was. I also wanted to go around the world but haven't been able to so I know I would have done that at some point.

I certainly wouldn't have spent so much time in hospital Grinning

I often think and wonder what life could have been like.

  • Ha!  I am still in the readjustment stage as my treatment just started 6 months ago and I've taken the summer off work to spend time with family and to work out how to live with having cancer.  Also to declutter the house!  But it's presented this huge "what do you want your work/life balance to be?" question.  I'm going to go back to work in Sept for 3 days a week, something I never would have considered before.  I'm 53 btw.   What?!  A positive from having cancer?!!

  • That's great! It's good to hear positive like this and you've certainly had the nice weather this summer. Perhaps a little too nice ha ha. Certainly to hot for me. Go careful with your decluttering, it can be easy to overwork yourself in to exhaustion. Best of luck with your work come September! 

  • Hi all, just before this last diagnosis, I was due to start a new care job 2 days a week covering live in carers days off, so that is what I would be doing. Plus spending alot of time in Ibiza with the part of my family that live there.

    Mmum I've done my clearing out with just moving. I try to keep as active as possible and ear well, staying positive but it's a bit hard to at times xxx

  • Really interesting question and one I was thinking about only recently. 

    I'm not sure if I would be doing anything different if I didn't have cancer, but I do know I probably wouldn't be as grateful for it. Mundane day to day life is bliss and I don't think I would have ever realised that before.

    I'm still working so that's not really changed but my outlook is quite different.  I'm fortunate to be in a well paid job but it's quite stressful and I think if I didn't have cancer I would have moved on.  I stick around for the money (obvs), and the death in service benefit!

    There are quite a few positives though that wouldn't have happened.  I was lucky to get a critical illness insurance payout when I was diagnosed which means we were able to pay off large part of our mortgage (and have recently cleared it completely) and do a sizeable extension on our house so I can take comfort from knowing my family are secure

  • I know that my hubby and i would been having so many holidays,i had treatment every three weeks, for three years, then he had cancer, and holidays went out the window.

  • I would still be working. Always enjoyed work and people I worked with.

    My wife liked me going to work as well, can't imagine why! Any suggestions.?

  • The same reason, i gave my hubby when he retired, lol

  • My wife liked me going to work as well, can't imagine why! Any suggestions.?

    Oh yes!  I can so relate to this concept!  Hubby retired in the Spring and it's awful - I don't have any me-space or me-time in the house any more.  I'm going out doing activities or visiting friends to get some headspace.  This is one of the reasons I'm going back to work.  I never envisioned retirement being like this Anguished  Like I say "readjustment" on so many levels.  

  • Your so right, my hubby worked away Monday till Friday, was lovely, house stayed tidy, nothing laying about, i had the house to my self.

    He retired, omg i did say at one point, if you had been home every night, we would have been divorced by  now, it was like we have got to learn to live with each other, again, and we did in the end lol, just stay out of My Kitchen.

  • I miss just going out. Lockdown was actually better for me as we could go out and there weren't many people about. That's all gone now so it's just missing stuff like eating out and going to the theatre etc. I'm so badly immune compromised that's all there is to it. No choice. However, we manage short -break self catering jaunts, so I break out of the house now and again. You just get to the stage sometimes when the only day out you've had is going to the hospital.  Rainie x