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Are you reading anything at the moment? I like to read. I'm reading Five Little Pigs by Agatha Christie currently which I have read before but I love this book and can reread it always as it's very good. I find reading very relaxing and also perfect for a hot evening like tonight.

  • It was like the good old days with SiT, the pink Rolls Royce and the naughty step! We missed you but Ellie made up for it with her deliciously bad behaviour!

  • Every one has lost the plot, good job i am still with it, you do have to be careful, as some funny people about. The nut house will be putting up no Vacancies House Full xx 

  • Come on Ellie, let's discuss matters of seriousness on the forum. It has been hijacked by a mixture of undesirables laughing at people's attempts to be serious. We are all not well on here, we should be discussing medication and snuffing it. Even I have gone off piste with mower matters. I hope I do get 25000 volts through my pinkies, it may well shock me into real life?

  • AA you can discuss mediation, when ever you wish If  you carry on with this mower  and get 25000 volts you might be snuffing it sooner rather than later, and that is not on the agenda at the moment,

    I have heard a bottle of wine can help as medication any more then you might have another problem to contend with.

    You made need help venting the thoughts going on in your brain, we are loopy here, and common seance  some times does not exists.

    I hope you can take a step back,think  if you got some sheep, you can forget  about the mower..

    It is Sunday that is the end of my message xx 

  • Right you relentless readers. I'm not a reader as I've said before in this thread. You all seem to enjoy reading and rave about it, you all say you have a great time reading.

    Ok, I like a great time like the next Jo/Joe and I'm willing to have a good time, sitting in my wheelchair, dripping incessantly with MDS (a blood cancer). Problem is, I don't know where to start. I pride myself with good grammar and spelling which I'd expect from most good books except those with more than a smattering of dialogue which I understand. 

    I need help guys, send me your choice of book, the type that I'll want to turn the page before I finish it. I'll assess your choices and take pleasure to see that there is more than one avid reader who suggests the same book. No winding me up guys, I'll spot a red herring before you finish your post! I only want one suggestion from each of you please.

    Just one thing, I'm not ready for War and Peace (Война и миръ) yet!

    Tvman x 

    Love life and family.
  • For I read "The Tattooist of Auschwitz" by Heather Morris on holiday a few weeks back and really enjoyed it.  It has good reviews and it's an easy read.  When my 18 year old daughter saw me reading it she remarked a teacher had recommended it to her, too.  

  • That is the maddest and most disjointed post I have seen for some time but it does make some sense if you look deeply enough.

    Mower working but Mrs AA dosnt like where its kennel lives, upsets her view of the garden..

    Because I know when I move it, it will go wrong again,  I have ordered some Sussex Blackfaces at your recommendation. 

  • Well there you go, aim to please some times, i thought it was good.At some point when the mower is going with no problems,

    They say Lamb is very nice, i do not know about that.

  • Hi Tvman,

    What about gardening books? They would be relaxing. 

    My suggestions would be Monty Don, Christopher Lloyd, Alan Titchmarsh.

    Amanda x

  • I keep one in the car. Just in case.  Rainie x