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Are you reading anything at the moment? I like to read. I'm reading Five Little Pigs by Agatha Christie currently which I have read before but I love this book and can reread it always as it's very good. I find reading very relaxing and also perfect for a hot evening like tonight.

  • I know what you mean. Usually the books are better than the film but not always. I saw the film 'The Horse Whisperer' with Robert Redford which was wonderful. The book went on for ever and didn't have the same impact. Thankfully I read it after seeing the film. Likewise, but in reverse: Captain Corelli's Mandolin. A wonderful book, but a totally pants film with that dreadful plank Nicholas Cage - totally miscast and awful. Was very disappointed.  Rainiex

  • I used to read a lot in my younger days but when I went to secondary school I was "forced" to read uninteresting books and that put me off a little although I would have enjoyed the occasional detective novel. 

    These days however, especially since diagnosis, I can't manage to read even a magazine without falling asleep - a lot. It's so infuriating. It's the same watching TV, I'd fall asleep 60 times watching a 1hr programme, even something as interesting as Gardeners' World! Ha ha, I can imagine most of you saying that happens to you too Slight smile I've been referred to the "sleep" doctor but this is Northern Ireland so I'm not holding my breath to get an appointment anytime soon! I'm to be assessed for sleep apnoea. 

    I envy all you book readers slipping off to a quiet corner to enjoy a good book.

    Take care everyone

    Tvman x 

    Love life and family.
  • tvman - regarding sleep apnoea: this will be a challenge for you, but there's a wonderful self-help book called 'Breath' which addresses this problem and is a real eye-opener. I bought it and it's helped me with my breathing. Maybe you can read it in small chunks?  Rainie x

  • I’m glad I’m not the only one, most people don’t get it

  • I am a voracious reader and like to mix up literary fiction with the odd thriller or crime novel. I just finished reading " Many different kinds of love" by Michael Rosen- about his time in hopsital with covid, and then his recovery and after. He is a lovely witer, funny and wise. I also just finished " Jamaica Inn" by Daphne DuMaurier - a classic I had never read. Good bit of gothic story telling.

  • Please OBS, remind your readers not to buy kitkats. Does this rule still apply? Some on here are scoffing them down regardless. I have yet to eat one since your last instruction but am weakening!

    Hello to the forum cherryhogs, Lexi and Biggs.

  • I am a hypocrite, I ate one earlier.  Feel free to indulge - Nestle will go on regardless  unless the whole population boycott them. And there are few blameles companies out there, so  fight the good fight when needed, but we incurables may be allowed to let our ethics slide sometimes. The warrior in me is choosing which fights to fight!

    Lexi and Biggs were so relieved to go for proper walk today - as quite cool here today.

    As to my recommendation of the Michael Rosen book - there is a lovely bit where he says the medics are concerned about his low blood pressure when in recovery ward., and he says " but dont worry, they are bringing the daily mail  round so blood pressure will be fixed"

  • I have never shown so much self control in my life, same for wife, she wasn't allowed to eat one either.

    I will just eat less to prove a point.

    OK, panic over Ellie, get stuck in.

  • I also read The Secret by Rhonda Byrne every so often just as a refresher. It's worth a read xx

  • I have enjoyed reading books over the years. One of my favourites being To kill a mocking bird.

    Now I fall asleep easily like tvman and find it hard to concentrate to read xxx
