LIFE is short

  • 30 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Did you ever think you would live forever because i just.sailed through life until i got advanced.notice. Still a strange feeling of knowing as opposed to dying suddenly.

Ive learned.that.several people I worked with have died recently, all under 60.

I went through life thinking i was immortal until it arrived here out of the blue.

  • Everyone is right, life is short so this morning I have cleared up and am going to take my wife for a blood test. Following that my mate is picking me up and taking me to the pub where we will put the world to rights. We will castigate anyone and everyone's views without fear of moderation. A politically incorrect bloodfest. So there.

    For anyone who wants to laugh at me I fell off a stepladder Saturday but against everyone's hopes, survived with damage only to my dignity.  ( and hip and shoulder and elbow and bit next to my hip and various other bits)

  • I pity the other pub denizens. I do the same every time I go out with friends, we probably shock the surrounding tables with our vitriol. Always punching up though,

    As for the step ladder, just read article about the difference between "falling" and "having a fall" - basically ageism and patronising attitudes amongsst some medical/nursing staff. Glad you didnt suffer too much more than bruised dignity.

    Life is short, but at least we all know it. Just heard old colleague died last week - brightest most interesting man I ever knew, retired at 65, had stroke withn 12 months, suffered vascular dementia and then spent last few years as shadow of former self. Life can be cruel. Carpe diem for sure - well I will when post chemo fatigue passes this week! Instead carpe sofa!


  • Sorry to hear your parents died so young and your brother as well.

    You are fortunate to have had time with your grandchildren xxx


  • Hi Artist Assist, You will need to be more careful! Let someone else climb the ladders in future!

    We worry about you, you know!! So Let's be careful out there!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • You are right Annette, I have my heart CT scan on Monday, the cardio would not have liked to have seen the backwards somersault.!! X

  • Ouch! Step ladders are secret assassins and you really should take care. Good luck with cardio on Monday x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • I was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 39, so I thought it was a miracle when I managed to celebrate my 50th birthday. X 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Thats GREAT. Every day is like a bonus in our world. 

  • Hi Annette , you definitely went through a tragic period. My dad also met all of his 3 grandchildren, the last, my daughter Nicole, just a few days before he died of a major heart attack. 

    When I was diagnosed at the age of 57, I thought I wouldn't see my grandson grow up. Then as you know, I have a granddaughter now who has just turned 1 and I'm looking forward to seeing her grow up also. 

    This guy isn't going yet!

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • I didn't think I was immortal but thought I'd live to old age as all of the family have.  We only have 1 incidence of cancer in the family and even then she was in her 80s when she died.

    However, during my life I have always felt that I would get to a good place in my life then wallop, take that til you ask for more, bloody cancer.  I'd recently been promoted, my daughter had bought a flat nearby, we had finished a lot of work in the house and it was looking nice.  Has anyone else felt like this?

    I've also noticed that friends become aware of their mortality via the - well, if it's happened to her, it could happen to me, train of thought. Leaving jobs, taking more holidays abroad etc. 

    Please forgive the rambling nature of this post, it was just a few thoughts.

    Amanda x