LIFE is short

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  • 51 subscribers

Did you ever think you would live forever because i just.sailed through life until i got advanced.notice. Still a strange feeling of knowing as opposed to dying suddenly.

Ive learned.that.several people I worked with have died recently, all under 60.

I went through life thinking i was immortal until it arrived here out of the blue.

  • I too thought I had years left. My parents and grandparents all went on until their late 80's and 90's. I'm only 69 and the first person in my biological family to have cancer so It was a shock to initially hear I might not make 70. Thankfully the chemo worked this time.

    My hubby's 10 years older than me so we all joked I'd be the merry widow, now more likely he'll be the widower!

    Luckily I retired at 50,( hubby had to retire at 60) so we went to live in Spain for 7 years before we came back (Can't beat the UK) So I've got to look at having already had 19 years of retirement. I know someone who retired at the then normal age of 60, had a heart attack a week later planning her dream cruise and didn't get to enjoy anything.

    Yes, I take each day as it comes, a little bitterness because if my treatment had been different I perhaps not be where I am now. For all that I feel good at the moment!

    Hugs, Barbxx

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  • Hi i have to be honest, i never ever thought about not being here, i still feel 18( I WISH). when i got diagnosed, it was a shock, though i never ever thought why me, i am the same as every one else, so why not.

    I was finishing treatment on the 24th December and my hubby and i had planned a cruise for the April, that was not to be, he got diagnosed on the 20th December, what a shock, that made me realise nothing is taken for granted, he passed in the October, then last year my daughter got diagnosed oh my god,, never take nothing for granted, tomorrow is not promised to any one,. Rich or poor young or old.

    Take each day as it comes, and make the most of it, that is my motto now.

    Enjoy your day.

    Ellie x

  • Thanks Barb. PEACE.

  • I had a wake up call a few years ago when my cousin died suddenly and unexpectedly. It spurred me to sort out my will and set up lasting powers of attorney. I am glad I did because it was all sorted when I got my diagnosis. Before then I'd expected just to carry on, my grandparents all reached their late 80s in pretty good health.

    I'm definitely trying to seize the day now. 


  • I was just trotting along enjoying my life then bam diagnosed. A year after surgery it was back and I just cried and cried. Gradually I got use to the idea life is not for ever. Day by day I try my best to make the most of life. X

  • Actually i am not. As all my family had died of cancer young, my dad was 44, grandmother 52, granddad 54, and my mum the oldest ever in our family was 69. So when i was given about 10-12 months with 47 i felt like wow i beat my dad. True...

  • Yes it’s hard when people die young. Good you beat your Dad.

    my Dad died at 69.  I am now 69 he was able to hold his granddaughter in his arms before he died and I have been able to hold my granddaughter in my arms as well xx


  • My dad dies aged 74. Last September my sister died aged 74. So to follow suit I need to keep going for another 6 years Thinking

  • Hi, Life is definitely far too short! My mum died when she was 47 of stomach cancer (the year before our wedding) my dad was 56 died of a heart attack(& died 1 week after our daughter's christening, so he saw both our children!), my brother was 43 & died of the same cancer I have (MM), 

    Since my diagnosis 3 people who were my closest friends have died unexpectedly. At least when it is my turn, I know nothing will go unsaid and there will be no regrets as I've said all I wanted to say to the people I love. To be honest I think because of that, I am very lucky! Also I have watched all 3 grandchildren go to school, which at diagnosis, would never have thought possible. Like Most of you, I take each day as it comes and enjoy all I can.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!