After effects from scans

  • 17 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Hi All

I was just wondering if anyone has had any effects after having any scans. On Friday I had a full CT body scan, followed by a bone scan, which involved to separate dyes.

Whilst grateful to get the scans so quickly after my Monday monthly review, last night I felt so cold and today absolutely exhausted. I have literally slept all day. Has anyone else experienced this at all please?

I am still a bit new to this.

Annie CB

  • Hi Annie, have you been drinking lots of water to flush the dye out. I haven’t experienced the side effects that you have mentioned, but I have had a headache after a CT scan. They always advise to drink plenty of water to flush the dye through the kidneys. Hope you feel better tomorrow xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Chelle, I haven’t drunk much today as I’ve been asleep most of it but I will do now



  • Hi Annie. Yes drinking lots of water is important to flush it through. I am always pretty tired after scans, physically and mentally to be honest. Hope you feel less tired tomorrow.

    Nigel x 

  • Thanks Nigel 

    Thats just how I feel


  • Hi I felt odd after mt PET scan and realised that I hadn't drunk much, certainly they recommend drinking plenty of water afterwards to flush the stuff they inject through your kidneys.

    I hope that you are feeling better today. 


  • Thats a load for your body to cope wit.h.  I dont tend to suffer after CT, but i had a bone scan a couple of weeks ago, and because it was long and lying down for a while, plus two trips to hospita, for dye injection and then for the scan a few hours later, I was knackered. Hope you are recovering

  • Hi Annie

    I’m always exhausted after MRI scans which I think is normal, are usually do sleep most of the next day. I have never experienced feeling really cold but when I’m in the MRI scanner I usually get wrapped up in a blanket

  • Thank you all for your advice I definitely need to drink more water but after a couple of days in bed I feel a lot better.

  • That's very pleasing to hear, 

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Annie, I had my CT scan and my bone scan 3 days apart, yes I was told to drink plenty of water to flush out the dyes as they were radio active, had a slight headache after the bone scan, between getting the dye and the bone scan i was seen by the urologists for my diagnosis.

    I did not like the camera investigation painful, nor the MRI as I don't handle small space very well.

    Pleased you are ok now, all the best Ulls