Hi another newbie!

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  • 53 subscribers

Although I have followed the forum for a few months this is the first time I have joined in. I have found your discussions most helpful and I am currently struggling to talk to anyone.

Last April after 2 months of constant visits to the dr with back pain, it was a concerning calcium level in a blood test that led me to the hospital. After 5 days of oxygen and constant blood tests etc. I was told, whilst on my own, I had cancer in my left breast,arm,sternum and my spine, with of course no cure. I have gone through the anger stage but now I am very emotional and have a daily sob which I try to hide from my family. I have decided to keep my cancer to close family as I have few friends and I want to protect my grandchildren at present who are 10. My relationship with them is my joy and they just think Granny has a bad back.
I am currently feeling exhausted and having days where I just don’t feel “right” and I am very confused.Is this normal? I get so angry that I cannot keep up with housework etc. I have read about cancer fatigue and wondered if this it and can it come and go. I’m currently on Letzerole and Palbociclib and they have just upped my morphine slow release to 15 mg twice a day and my anti depressant citalopram to 30 mg. I would welcome any advice to cope with this lack of concentration and tiredness.

I love to get out when I can. I already had back problems so my pain is in that area. I have a walking stick and rollator and also a wheelchair for bad days. I have found a online challenge where you walk a certain distance to collect a medal. I am doing these walks based on my bucket list of places I would have liked to visit, Niagra Falls being the next one as this helps me to get out and walk. I look forward to reading your words of help



  • Thanks Tony

    I am gradually losing the anger I first felt. This was towards my many GP’s who I felt ignored me. I now realise the cancer had in fact been there for a long time with no side effects even 2 clear mammograms. Anger takes a lot of energy I find. 
    Thank you for your wise words.

    Take care


  • Hi Annette

    Firstly thanks for responding.
    The conquer challenges was something I bought as a new year challenge for myself.My Dr wanted me to exercise more and I needed something to push me on. So I bought a bundle of 4 challenges for £70 which although expensive I used my PIP payment. I started with swimming (walking the English Channel) and the Dutch bulb field route. All are monitored via an app connected to your fitness watch. I got my watch for £17 off Amazon. I managed both of these by March. You can walk, exercise or just monitor your steps indoors. Sometimes I just do 3 laps of the garden others I cAn walk to the local park. I am now doing my 2022 challenge of 500 km and I hit 250 km yesterday. The medals are absolutely lovely and really gives you a sense of achievement. Last few weeks I have only managed short walks but it all helps. I am also doing a 70mile Diamond Jubilee one with a separate company and I am currently half way.

    I have a walking stick not elbow crutches, and a wheeled support trolley.  My wheelchair has to be pushed so I don’t use that for the challenge. My garden is my sanctuary and my husband helps but I think it is gradually being taken over by tomato plants this year.

    Love Annie

    So good to talk

  • It’s lovely to hear the things you can do.

    yes being outside is lovely and we have the summer to look forward to xxx


  • I wonder if I bought Annie's kit I would get the medals with it. Just thinking they would go well with my school certificates for swimming and playing the violin?

    I would do the qualifying eventually but I'm not well at the moment you know!

  • Hi Annie, welcome to our group, as you know lurkers are welcome but we do love new voices Heart eyes I love the sound of your challenges. Don't let Ted steal your medals though! 


  • Hello Annie,

    I've just seen your post. Welcome to our gang. You will find supprt from those who understand what you are going through. We may have different cancers, but we're all in the same boat. Don't worry about the housework. It will always be there, so let it hang. Open the windows on a windy day and just let the dust re-arrange itself!

    Tiredness is common and you will need to use your energy to do the things that help you and make you feel better. Your anti-depressents may also be making their own contribution to brain fog and fatigue. Maybe you could find out about cutting them down/out? My doctor was always trying to get me onto Prozac and I was once on amyltriptylene - which turned me into somebody else - dreadful stuff in my view - so given that no pill can make me feel happy about having cancer, I decided to do without them and feel the better for it.

    Please remember that new treatments are always being introduced, so don't give up. Just keep getting what you can from each day and when it all gets too much come on here and have a rant. Sending you big hugs and all good wishes, Rainie x

  • Hi Raine

    Thanks for your advice. I have been on anti depressants for over 5 years and once you are on them the GP doesn’t even check how you are doing. When I had my non stop crying episode at the hospital I think it was a long time coming but the consultant was shocked I had been on the same dose for so long and doubted it was having much effect. I then got an appointment with a GP (after hospital invention basically telling them to see me urgently, as I just couldn’t get an appointment. The GP listened and then made the decision to up the citalopram and put me forward for more counselling.

    The counselling has a 2 months wait so yet to know about this one, but I hate the way GP’s just hand more out. I am also on Letzerole which has its own hormonal affects.

    Today is Consultant visit day and I am going to question this latest move. I love a hug,sending you one back


  • Hi everyone, I'm not to bad in the morning, but late afternoon, sitting down with a book is all I can manage, I'm lucky I don't have a big garden, my daughter and her partner did the hard work of removing the grass, so no more mowing, my boarder's are still looking good, as are the pots on the patio, trying to reduce the work required to keep my home up to scratch.

    All the best Ulls

  • Hi AnnieCB sorry I am late to the welcome party, but a very warm welcome from me as well. Letrozole will make you tired, and give you brain fog. 

    The online challenges you are doing sound good, I hope you keep going with that, getting outside does us the world of good. X 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Thank you for the welcome to everyone who messaged me. I have been really sleepy for a couple of days but after visiting my consultant yesterday. I have a full body scan including the head booked for Friday.

    Your words have meant a lot and more importantly I know I am not alone and with your help I felt a lot stronger to ask a great deal of questions.

    Thank you