In need of cheering up

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  • 48 subscribers

Hi everyone

I've had a great weekend - parkrun yesterday and then cheering on chums at local running races. But, now, I'm looking back at the photos that were taken today and I'm seeing a difference in how I used to look. Not sure what exactly - I think it's my eyes. They look like they have shadows round them and I'm looking like cancer is taking over my body. Which I knew but think seeing the photos has brought it home.

Feeling melancholic tonight and don't know what will knock it out of me. Hope I manage to sleep and stay asleep.

You've probably all felt like this at some point but think I've only just reached it.


  • Good to read better news this morning. I am in awe of you for getting to parkrun on Sat!    

  • So glad you are feeling better today Christeeniee. I have days when I feel bad and others I wake up and feel good.

    Popgate’s positivity file sounds very good x


  • It's great to hear that you do feel a bit better. You know you can tell us you are feeling miserable for a year, you don't have to suddenly get better to keep us nosy lot happy. X 

  • Hi, good to know that you are feeling a lot more upbeat today after a good night's sleep, I hope you fell asleep quickly and you didn't lie awake worrying

    You have many many friends here who are all willing to step up to try to cheer you up. Your good company is paramount for me and I'm sure, others. 

    Take care and stay safe Christeenie

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • I think we good and bad days. I  certainly do. I feel peaceful out in nature but in the morning, a stark reminder of my failing health. Though i do work towards accepting, there are some days when i get angry for the misdiagnosis. I knew something was wrong but i believed the drs and specialists and then 5 Years later im here. 

  • Hi sorry to read you had a bit of a down moment.

    I also had a really emotional weekend. My sister drove 200 miles up from Kent to stay the weekend with me and hubby and to accompany me to see my bestie running in a 5k Race for life. I'd resolved to go with the bald look and I got both pitying and "Go-girl" glances from the large crowd. My bestie and I both burst into tears when we located each other in the crowd (haven't seen her in a while as shielding) when we hugged and my sister joined in cried and we all smiled and wiped away the tears and some bystanders clapped before they went off to get ready for the race!

    My bestie finished 12th in her run, she only took up running over the last year at the age of 61 - collected her medal and came over to me, hung her medal around my neck and said "This is for you my chemo warrior" Got me blubbing again!

    I looked at the photo's taken and did notice despite the smiles there was a haunted look in my eyes.

    This morning I waved my sister off. I looked at the medal I was given yesterday and despite being sorry to see my sis leave, I felt so blessed with love I'm on a high again. (Especially since I saw an Owl quartering the field as well)

    Sending hugs, Barb x

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    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Just the best weekend ever. Shinkwrap those memories and bring them out when you need a boost.  Money could not buy what you have just had.

    A spectacular post. Xx


  • Oh Barb, exactly the kind of post that warms the heart, what a lovely read

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Thanks Popgate, I'm going to give that a go.


  • Thanks Mmum! I'm just jog/walking at the back but slowly getting quicker week by week. It's so good to feel part of something I was part of before.
