In need of cheering up

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Hi everyone

I've had a great weekend - parkrun yesterday and then cheering on chums at local running races. But, now, I'm looking back at the photos that were taken today and I'm seeing a difference in how I used to look. Not sure what exactly - I think it's my eyes. They look like they have shadows round them and I'm looking like cancer is taking over my body. Which I knew but think seeing the photos has brought it home.

Feeling melancholic tonight and don't know what will knock it out of me. Hope I manage to sleep and stay asleep.

You've probably all felt like this at some point but think I've only just reached it.


  • I can relate..i was fit and able walk for miles. Now my skinny body wobbles on my legs. I've accepted that i won't be going back to my fit days. Not sure how to bring cheer other than to.say you've managed another great Weekend and our physical changes will happen. 

  • You are just having one of those days Christeen, you may look a bit different if you have expended some effort.

    I don't think you can be great one day and think you are at the end the next. I really don't think it works like that.

    Hopefully someone can give you more of an explanation I think you are having a wobble.

    You are definitely right in saying we've all had a wobble, it would be very odd if we hadnt.

  • I don't mean to be casual about it, if it worries you then that matters. 

    Get a nice sleep and let us know that you are feeling better tomorrow. I have my fingers crossed for you. Xx

  • Hi  so sorry to hear that you're feeling melancholy, I think we can all relate to it.

    7 or 8 years ago I was working and walking quite a lot of miles in doing my work. I also used to walk a lot around the local country roads and fields but now I'm in a wheelchair. I have put on 4 stones of weight since I stopped working. When I stand, my back pain starts and very soon the level of pain is excruciating. I think we all have moments when we feel miserable.

    We have to think about what we can do and do that well. It's a real mood lifter, for sure. I hope you're fast asleep by now and you waken fresh and well. 

    Take care and stay safe Christeenie

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Thanks Tony, 

    I think acceptance is important, which I thought I'd managed. But maybe not.

    You're right when you said I've had a great weekend and maybe tiredness was part of the problem last night. Feeling more positive this morning.


  • Hi Ted

    I was tired last night, there was a lot of standing around yesterday, and I think that's the main reason behind my wobble. Definitely feeling more like myself this morning Slight smile


  • Hi Tvman

    You nailed it, we have to think what we can do and what we no longer can do. It's so frustrating at times. I've been feeling really good over the past couple of weeks, the best in over a year, but then I push it and tire myself out. 

    Had a decent sleep and positive head is back on again!


  • Don't beat yourself up we all get these days my mood can change in minutes I always feel better when I have a good cry and give myself a good talking to and get my files out with all the positive things I write down I know it might seem daft but it's one of my copeing  things I do and with me living on my own the smallest thing going wrong can set me off and the smallest thing can turn into a mountain the other day I was getting so angry with myself as for the life of me i could not get the bread tag of the bread so stupid and daft you might think but that set me off I think we all think what we were capable of and that upsets us which I think is normal anyway I try not to focus on that and work hard everyday to achieve what I can achieve today and going forward you will be surprised what we all can achieve even in the smallest way sorry for the waffling not very good with explaining things love you all xxx

  • Thanks Popgate, that's exactly how I felt yesterday. It's a strange thing, the mind and how powerful it is. 

    Can I ask about your positivity files? Do you write down the positive things and thoughts when you have them to look back on?


  • Yes that's what I do I write down the simplest of things like how I feel happy the sun is out and I can get gardening done the weather effects my mood a lot so when it's bad weather I get depressed so then I get my files out and escape from reality in a good drama to escape or out some music on its important to find things that work for you it's trail and error so don't beat yourself up I still do having said that but for me i am a great believer in trying to do and sort myself out in the best way I can and for me when I can get myself out from my dark place I really feel that I have achieved my goal  in my own and to achieve feeling better in myself it's a constant battle everyday for me but you rally feel great when you achieve that moment I hope this makes sense to you not very good with trying to explain things sorry for the waffle it's just me hope it helps you and others on here xxx
