Reasons to be cheerful?

  • 39 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Actually I dont feel very cheerful, so thought I would use the great Ian Dury's words to start a new thread. Some of you may want to ignore it.

I know most of us on here have a limited span on this earth, and when I look around the world, I sometimes feel that I wont be too sad to leave it. I will be sad at a personal level, but as part of a species which seems to be going collectively mad, well good riddance.

The things which make me despair are the ways we treat all other life forms, from mammals to jungles and forests to the tiniest fungi - we have lost sight of the fact that we are interconnected and by our destructive natures we are hurtling towards our own oblivion, taking most of creation with us. Politicians from Putin to Trump and our own liar in chief seem to be taking us backward and the debate in USA re abortion, well Margaret Attwood had it so right, not to mention Orwell who visualised the future as a human boot stamping on  human face forever and ever .

I look around and I see ignorance, stupidity and complacency getting the upper hand, and social media becoming a mechanism for propaganda, lies and more stupidity. So how do we keep hope and have some sense of a future which is not apocalyptic ?

Sorry, probably should have posted this in the Room as a rant- but come on my fellow incurables - what gives you reasons to be cheerful about the future?

Dont be concerned about me - I am not depressed ( god knows why) just feeling reflective and sad. Maybe its the radioactive injection I had today eh?

  • I am now feeling lacking in knowledge, not a new feeling however, but you should be getting out more Mmum.

  • I think we both know who is barking here.


  • Just seen your post OBS. I'm afraid my take on things isn't at all optimistic, which saddens me no end as I'm an optimist at heart. But TBH I think we've had it. Action should have begun decades ago - the writing was on the wall in the 70s, would you believe, but the short-termism of all political systems has resulted in FA being done. Corporate greed rules and it's crossed all political spectrums. Planet Earth may have a chance at recovery, but only when the threat from us has shrunk substantially to medieval era numbers. Our kids will have the worst of it and I can see society breaking down. Just think what lack of water will do in the years to come?

    I, and many of my contemporaries, did our share of campaigning and activism until we were burnt-out cases. Nothing really changed. I'm reminded of the scenario of Nero fiddling whilst Rome burnt to the ground. And there have been dozens of Nero's throughout my life. Useless tossers all. 

    So, break out the Metaxa and enjoy the bluebells and sod'em all.

    Rainie x

  • Don't beat around the bush Rainie, say what you really mean!

    Wolfie Smith had nothing on you two. 

  • Thank you Ted dear. I knew you would understand.  Rainie x

  • Thanks Rainie - it is so frustrating that we have known for decades ( or the influential ones have known) that we have been causing environmental disaster ever since the industrial revolution, but speeding up masively over the recent decades. I actualy went to Uni in 1973 to study Environmental Science as I was alarmed at what was happening. And here we are in 2022 and nothing much has happened, despite the rhetoric and back patting by politicians. I really hope there are some leaders waiting in the wings who realise that crisis means crisis. But the more SUVs I see on the road, the more I realise how little people really understand what is coming down the line. Instead, the vacuousness of celebrity culture, social media takes up people's attention. Bread and circuses comes to mind. I have a low opinion of humanity in general but great regard for many individuals - and those who are causing disruption like Extinction Rebellion , Insulate Britain and Stop Oil are the ones who "get it". That nice Mrs Patel wants to criminalis them further. There are many oldies amongst them , along with the young and I salute them- dont always agree with the tactics and would prefer action aimed directly at the worst culprits, but their hearts are in the right place. If politicians actually took notice and did some of the easy things, like actually insulating houses, then at least there would be some minimal progress. But I am not holding my breath.

    Happy to keep providing the evidence to Ted that I am a dyed in the wool Wolfie type.


  • Things that make me happy, little things like flowers budding in my garden. being home in my own bed, having a cup of tea when I feel like, watching my husband clean the car. After a short hospital stay I appreciate these things. The picture is beautiful Salis XX

  • The things that make me happy are similar to yours Sarah, love to see a big fat bud on my rhododendron bush that turns into a beautiful massive flower.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • We have a number of rhododendrons and when they are in bud is almost better when they are in flower. My favourite time of year in the garden.


  • We went to see Mark Thomas last night, he made us laugh, but he really does make you think too. Have you come across him OBS? 
