Reasons to be cheerful?

  • 39 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Actually I dont feel very cheerful, so thought I would use the great Ian Dury's words to start a new thread. Some of you may want to ignore it.

I know most of us on here have a limited span on this earth, and when I look around the world, I sometimes feel that I wont be too sad to leave it. I will be sad at a personal level, but as part of a species which seems to be going collectively mad, well good riddance.

The things which make me despair are the ways we treat all other life forms, from mammals to jungles and forests to the tiniest fungi - we have lost sight of the fact that we are interconnected and by our destructive natures we are hurtling towards our own oblivion, taking most of creation with us. Politicians from Putin to Trump and our own liar in chief seem to be taking us backward and the debate in USA re abortion, well Margaret Attwood had it so right, not to mention Orwell who visualised the future as a human boot stamping on  human face forever and ever .

I look around and I see ignorance, stupidity and complacency getting the upper hand, and social media becoming a mechanism for propaganda, lies and more stupidity. So how do we keep hope and have some sense of a future which is not apocalyptic ?

Sorry, probably should have posted this in the Room as a rant- but come on my fellow incurables - what gives you reasons to be cheerful about the future?

Dont be concerned about me - I am not depressed ( god knows why) just feeling reflective and sad. Maybe its the radioactive injection I had today eh?

  • Very relaxing OBS. Couldn't you have waited for me to have my dinner before you started on the Marxist stuff? Indigestion for certain now you old firebrand.?

  • Still radioactive probably. Just mowed lawn around the trenches.

    Hopefully Marx will be proved right, and capitalism will eat itself, I have perfectly fine digestion thanks, sorry to have disturbed yours.


  • Stopping or reducing hours at work.  Perhaps having the summer off (but I feel an inner conflict with this, that my reasons are not justifiable).

    Is it relevant you 've posted this on election day?

    Am I allowed to say I'd love to see Scotland an independent nation.  There!  Said it!  

    I've been having a bit of a cry recently, so I know how you feel.  I may blog or post about it, in due course, but only when I can articulate it in a way that is either funny or informative.  

  • Please post whenever you feel like it. No criteria, we all want to hear about you. We all cry, I've been two months off the hormone treatment, thought I'd be back as a big man, no still having a sob. I think I would miss it if I didn't.

    Should point out you can't say that about Scotland, it's against the rules. We will just pretend you didn't mean it.

  • I love the political banter keep it up x


  • It's not banter Ruth, OBS means it. She will be at the front of the screaming mob wearing the red headband and waving her pitchfork. Pretty, it won't be! 

  • I like the mental  image. Screaming like a banshee ( or somethng out of an Adam Ant video) leading a crowd of  suitably scarey people and with Jacob Rees Mogg, Jeff Bezos, a load of  russian and saudi oligarchs weighed down by their money bags  and running for their lives, realising their mistakes too late. Mind you, JRM probably doesnt know what running is. You will get me reported to Prevent at this rate. If I go quiet for a while - you might need to srping me from jail.

    Smiling imp

  • Now I like you OBS but I don't wish to fall out with the establishment in case they ultimately end up winning.

    I can visit you a to discuss what is happening in the world whilst you are incarcerated . Best I can offer. I know you probably thought better of me but that's how the cookie crumbles! 

    As I recall,  your dogs are familiar with prison life, ask them to give you some tips. A single bark means it's not so bad, an extended howl .....don't go there. Toodlepip.

  • Ooooh Adam Ant, that’s a blast from the past. He is performing in a festival we are going to in July, although I am secretly looking forward to seeing Tony Hadley, but don’t tell the husband JoyJoy xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Do you realise there are six names in that Original Post, who have a wikipedia entry?  Was going to use the word "famous" but it insulted at least 2-3 of them.   Got to be a record, surely?