Reasons to be cheerful?

  • 39 replies
  • 51 subscribers

Actually I dont feel very cheerful, so thought I would use the great Ian Dury's words to start a new thread. Some of you may want to ignore it.

I know most of us on here have a limited span on this earth, and when I look around the world, I sometimes feel that I wont be too sad to leave it. I will be sad at a personal level, but as part of a species which seems to be going collectively mad, well good riddance.

The things which make me despair are the ways we treat all other life forms, from mammals to jungles and forests to the tiniest fungi - we have lost sight of the fact that we are interconnected and by our destructive natures we are hurtling towards our own oblivion, taking most of creation with us. Politicians from Putin to Trump and our own liar in chief seem to be taking us backward and the debate in USA re abortion, well Margaret Attwood had it so right, not to mention Orwell who visualised the future as a human boot stamping on  human face forever and ever .

I look around and I see ignorance, stupidity and complacency getting the upper hand, and social media becoming a mechanism for propaganda, lies and more stupidity. So how do we keep hope and have some sense of a future which is not apocalyptic ?

Sorry, probably should have posted this in the Room as a rant- but come on my fellow incurables - what gives you reasons to be cheerful about the future?

Dont be concerned about me - I am not depressed ( god knows why) just feeling reflective and sad. Maybe its the radioactive injection I had today eh?