GP Daily Appts Phone-in

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My GP offer a phone on the day if you need an appointment.  I phoned yesterday and today bang on opening time at 8am.  Engaged tone.  I'm ringing continually until 8:30am when I had to take my daughter to school.  I tried on my return after 9am - same.  Eventually about 11am I get the ring tone, it's answered, and the machine tells me I'm number TWELVE in the queue.   I hang up - clearly all the appointments are gone now.   Today I get the ring tone at 9:30am and I'm number thirteen in the queue.   I have lost the will to live now and I give up.   

Fastest finger to the GP phone line . . . . . . . . . .   sigh

It's so dis-spiriting when you don't get the ring tone.  

I don't think phone-on-the-day is the right way to do it.  I think they should do double-booking (to allow for the no-shows) or a universal triage system.  Or I think the haematology/oncology treatment lines should offer more support to take the pressure off primary care.   

Or perhaps the system is working and the fact I've given-up shows it's not important enough for a slot LOL  Laughing

I know many people aren't available at 8am due to school run or work so my problem is miniscule in comparison.  

  • What I'd like to see is the GPs being a rainbow in all our clouds.

    All the best Ulls

  • I agree. And receptionists to find some empathy x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • I agree with you'll and  Chelle xx

  • Oh ment Ulls and Chelle

  • It's like doing a daily crossword puzzle. I worked it out in the end x

  • That's horrendous for you , it's such an ordeal to get triaged in order to have a GP call you back.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Mmum & Everyone, I have just been catching up with all the posts here and hadn't realised things were that bad everywhere.

    Ellie, I've had infection after infection for months now and nothing seems to be shifting it. Wow, 13th in the queue!!! I think I'm hard done by if I'm 3rd in the queue! Initially, I had problems getting through and like others, by the time I made it, there were no telephone appointments left for that day, so they tell you to try again tomorrow! This went on for ages without me speaking to anyone but the receptionist who was quite rude and obviously in a bad mood! Eventually, I emailed my GP and said I was at the end of my tether so "what was he going to do about it because he was meant to be in charge of my care but I wasn't getting any care!" That afternoon he phoned my mobile to ask what was going on. I told him how bad I was feeling and he said to come to the surgery. I got antibiotics and the nurse took a swab. My GP told me he had written on my records that if I asked to see him, they had to give me an appointment!

    That has worked! I got a call a few days later to say a prescription had been sent to my local pharmacy and was waiting to be picked up. Since then I Have had to send in a urine sample which also showed a different infection, more meds but nothing seems to be helping. So like you Ellie, I have seen my GP but still have an ongoing problem. He said my immune system is non existent! I asked so what now? Referral to hospital but it could take a while to get an appointment!!

    It is a vicious circle!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • O dear Annette,

    i am  to hear your infection is not clearing up. It must be getting you down feeling unwell.

    I hope you get a urology appointment soon. I don’t know how you can boost your immune system xxx


  • Hi Annette, I sorry to see the problems you're having, and I hope you get sorted out soon.

    I was advised to drink pomegranate and cranberry juice by my Macmillan nurse to help reduce urinary infections, works for me, all the best Ulls

  • Live yoghourt and more live yoghourt for putting back the flora in the gut and calming things down. For pee probs, flushing with plenty of water  and cut out sugar will help - I think the cranberry juice is supposed to help balance the acidity/alkaline factors, but it doesn't always work.