Night Sweats

  • 28 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Who experiences these then?!   

Around diagnosis time, I became aware of waking up in the night, and feeling a bit clammy.  I bought more PJs so the wash wasn't challenged.  Then I made the connection with the cancer.

After I started my treatment, it all stopped.  I stopped waking up at 2am, 3am, 4am and I wasn't waking-up clammy either.  

But recently (last 2 weeks) the night sweats have returned with a vengance.  Wet PJs and a wet patch on the bed sheet now though.   

I can't work out whether it's the cancer causing it, my body fighting the cancer or the ipi/nivo in my system or affecting my hormone levels.  

I spoke about it with my oncology consultant at the end of March when I'd just had a singe occurrence since starting immunotherapy.  The odd adhoc one is nothing to worry about, he said.  So, of course I'm not turning that logic the other other way round and making a judgement that regular occurrences are a poor indicator! 

I wonder if this the new normal and I just have to accept it and get used to it. . . . . . .   it really is true that the only certainty is that there is uncertainty!  

  • HRT should help with hot flushes not make them worse. Did you have hysterectomy as well when they removed your ovaries? You haven’t mentioned this only that you had your ovaries removed. If you have had a hysterectomy or this bleeding is concerning, then you must speak to your oncologist. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to chellesimo

    Hii Chelle, I'm sorry I'm very tired. Yes I had hysterectomy but I don't really want to involve the hospital anymore, I'm tired of the tests and hospital admission just want to enjoy what's left and finish my journey xx

  • Aw , sounds like you're giving up, not like you. As Chelle says, I'd advise you to go see your team please. There are many of us here who are what we call, well past their sell by date, many by many years. I'm sure they will come here to testify that. 

    For sure, an 18 year old girl shouldn't have to experience what you have. It's got to be tough to undergo your journey, but it doesn't mean that your lovely sister has to lose you. Please give your team a call.

    Take care and stay safe Glitters.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Thank you for the love and support both of you Heart

    I'm so sorry I was saying that above. So out of character for me. I'm really sorry. I think it's the cancer, specifically my brain, it really messes with my personality and emotions makes me feel and do things that I didn't use to.

    I have spoken to Macmillan this morning, first a supporter and then a nurse. I'm getting help physically and I have talked with dad and we're going to be getting support as a family as well.

    Hugs xx

  • Ah that's brilliant news knowing that you reached out and are getting help. Please don't apologise for speaking in that fashion. For goodness sake you're so young and you have already gone through what some people have in a lifetime. 

    It's completely normal to feel like you want to give in. Cancer messes with your head and pickles your brain. I think you and your dad and sister are very close and will give a good fight. I'm sending hugs over the internet for you. I wish I could give physical hugs instead but we're in a different world, that's for sure.

    Take care and stay safe Glitters

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Thank you Tvman I really appreciate the hugs Heart️ Wish I could give you a big hug in person! I hate it when I'm like that. Promise it won't happen again! I am Miss Positive! Hugging from now on.

    It really does doesn't it. Cancer effects so much more than just a part of you, it effects so many things. For me it's especially bad with my personality and behaviour, messes me about at times. This is something else I'm hoping to get support with.

    Sending you lots and lots of hugs back Tvman xxx


    Jess xx

  • Hi Jess,

    Please never apologise for whatever you put. Positive thinking is all very well, but we are human and we cannot be positive all the time - life can be hard and emotions come and go. So glad you have spoken to Macmillan and to your dad. Hope you get the support you need to make life more bearable. I think you have been struggling a lot and trying to put a lid on it for everyone else.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ownedbystaffies

    Thank you so much for your understanding and support ownedbystaffies it really does mean so much Heart️ You are so right, we can't be positive all the time. I suppose it's like running or ignoring what's really happening but eventually you run out of breath and have to stop running and then it catches you up. That's what the nurse said when I spoke with her earlier on. 

    Thank you! I'm hoping there will be some support really soon. I feel I could do with it now xx

    Lots of love,

    Jess xx

  • When you wrote a response to Chell yesterday, you said you were tired, and I know in your later post you hae reached out for help. I just wanted to acknowledge what you wrote in this one.from yesterday.. I wonder if you feel scared to speak to your hospital team for fear of being whisked into hospital and having to go through porcedures you no longer want. You are young, but you are an adult and you have a right to make your wishes known, so that nothing happens that you dont want to happen. There is a document which your Gp or palliative team can go through with you called "Respect" which asks exactly what you want to happen if you become ill, or iller. It gives everyone explicit  instructions. It is there "in case", and can be changed if  situations change. For example,  I have made it clear that I will only want hospital admission if there is a clear purpose to the admission and some effective treatment to be had.

    Sorry, is just another list to add to the bureacracy, but it may help put your mind at ease,

    Hope you have managed to enjoy some sun today.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ownedbystaffies

    Hii ownedbystaffies, thank you for your lovely and really informative message. Yes I was really tired yesterday when I wrote that message, that could have been some of the problem when I'm super tired like that I don't think like normal it's like I'm sort of just here but not here if that makes sense. I did yesterday but I reached out to the right people today and I was much more with it, so I think that's made a big difference! There is a lot of fear, I'm shamed to admit that tbh. I am terrified of going back into hospital.. Just the thought is so scary. I don't want to have to have any new treatment or any horrible tests. I know that's so babyish and ridiculous I'm sorry I can't help it.

    Thank you so much for telling me about 'Respect' I think I may have heard it before possibly? Can't remember. But yes this is defos something I am going to talk to the team about. Not because I want to not have treatment but just so I know my options. Will give me something to think about.

    Thank you so much xxx

    Hugs Jess xx