Night Sweats

  • 28 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Who experiences these then?!   

Around diagnosis time, I became aware of waking up in the night, and feeling a bit clammy.  I bought more PJs so the wash wasn't challenged.  Then I made the connection with the cancer.

After I started my treatment, it all stopped.  I stopped waking up at 2am, 3am, 4am and I wasn't waking-up clammy either.  

But recently (last 2 weeks) the night sweats have returned with a vengance.  Wet PJs and a wet patch on the bed sheet now though.   

I can't work out whether it's the cancer causing it, my body fighting the cancer or the ipi/nivo in my system or affecting my hormone levels.  

I spoke about it with my oncology consultant at the end of March when I'd just had a singe occurrence since starting immunotherapy.  The odd adhoc one is nothing to worry about, he said.  So, of course I'm not turning that logic the other other way round and making a judgement that regular occurrences are a poor indicator! 

I wonder if this the new normal and I just have to accept it and get used to it. . . . . . .   it really is true that the only certainty is that there is uncertainty!  

  • Now I don't profess to know anything about how your treatment is affecting you, but I am prescribed Provera, this killed my night sweats stone dead. Worth thinking about?

  • Hi Mmum, Im sorry to hear you are suffering from night sweats,they are horrible. At one stage mine were so bad, my husband had to get up and change the sheets. It would be advisable to go back and let your GP know, if these have now increased. The Provera Ted takes, it is great they have worked for him but they may not work for you as these are hormone tablets.

    Your doc should take blood and test your hormone levels, thyroid level etc so that he can prescribe accurately for you once he has the results. That is what my GP did. Everything came back normal for me, so he then explored what elsemit could be. He did say it could be the body fighting the cancer but also because the cancer drug I took accelerated my osteoarthritis, he said it could be due to pain levels.

    I told my oncologist at my next visit and she told me the Inflamation Levels in my blood were indeed high. I wear cotton in bed and have a small desk fan at the side of the bed that I use when needed. Sometimes paracetamol helps. Ir does not happen every night but comesnin waves then disappears for a while, so I can cope with it!  Good luck! Please let me know what your GP has to say!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Mmum, sorry to hear that. That is really very disturbing.

    If it's connected with your hormones level you may also test Acupunctur as potential relief. When I was suffering it turned out to be very helpful. My gynaecologist was trained in China and knew about the best points for the needles. It didn't hurt at all and I could feel how the heat went away. Major useful point was on top of my head, a bit of funny look and we had also some laughs.

    Uncertainty and changes are the essence of life, negative sometimes but also there is always hope.

  • Hi there...i had/have them to...first my period stopped after chemo then they drove me was getting better after 4 years or so...but then they did come back, found out later thyroid has been the problem..i am on Nivu get thyroid function checked as it is a side effect of nivu . 

  • Hi Mmum I feel for you, night sweats are annoying, but also very draining. Not only is your sleep disturbed, and you are having to get up, change your night wear, sheets etc, but they are physically draining.

    My treatment causes terrible hot flushes and night sweats. The hot flushes are embarrassing because my face is constantly the colour of beetroot! I feel the hot flush starting, and by the time it reaches my head it feels like my head is on fire. 

    You have had some good advise from others about getting blood tests etc, but thought I would share what I do to cope with this. Firstly I am never without my hand held battery operated fan. It fits in my hand bag and goes every where with me. You can find these on  Amazon. I also sleep with a fan next to my bed. Even in the winter. I do not have any heating on my bedroom, and have a window open all night. You can also get cool mats that you can put in the fridge to make cold, which you can put on your pillow under the pillow case, or you can put in the bed. I don't have any hot drinks, or a hot bath before bed either, as these make the hot flushes worse. 

    Unfortunately for me this is something I have to live with. It has got easier. I do know if this is because they have got milder over time, or I am just used to it. xx  


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Thank you everyone.  Your replies have been a real insight and a revelation. 

    I have categorised this in the cancer file and before reading your feedback, I was waiting until the next appointment with my oncologist (end June) to ask about it.  I'm going to brave the 8am fight to the incoming lines at my GP on Tuesday and see if I can get an appointment.  If I can, I'm gonna push my luck and say it has to be AM and in-person, in time to get the bloods run to the lab Grinning.  Well!  If the receptionist is the new triage process, why not use all this intelligence you have provided me with as a fast-track to the answer lol

  • I am on nivu as well and also have had thyroid issues which they are trying to control, I don’t have any night sweats but do feel the cold more than usual doing the day. Apparently another symptom of immunotherapy! 

  • FormerMember

    I could probably do with something for night sweats and feeling hot in general. I run hot all the time and it's worse at night. Been meaning to talk to the team about it but... I don't know don't like to. Also got a blood problem but feel the night sweats affect me more.

    Jess xx

  • Jess were you put on hormone replacement therapy when you had your ovaries removed? Sorry you will have to explain about the blood problem, I don’t know what you mean there x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to chellesimo

    Hi Chelle, yes I'm still having it now. The initial side effects went a while ago but still get the night sweats but I'm not sure if it's related. The bleeding is weird, randomly happens but don't know why. Suddenly get hot 'down there' and bleed loads. Have to change after it happens. And sometimes I wake up and it's happened in my sleep and sheet is red. Have you or anyone else had this before? Xx