A nice walk plus a flag.

  • 37 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Just been for a walk so I can tell the cardiologist I take regular exercise.

Came back with freezing cold hands, did some inconsequential posts then flagged myself or someone else to the moderators. If it was to myself then that didn't matter because I am due a telling off.Sorry, my bad.

  • Glad you had a nice walk. It is cold how different to a couple of weeks ago. 

    I managed to get out myself for a bit today, I’ve not been up to it the last couple of days. Albert and Victoria came to greet me, I was surprised to see Victoria as she should be nesting. Expecting ducklings any time now. Blush


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Lovely picture of the ducks

    i am pleased they have names and you must post the ducklings

    I have a short walk with the dog every morning x


  • Oh Ted, I think you may have gone for a walk JUST so you can tell your oncologist you did! How naughty of you to deceive him/her. I'm afraid to say you deserve a telling off! Why didn't you wear gloves to keep your hands warm! I dare not step over the front door without my gloves etc, it is freezing here. A few weeks ago we thought summer had arrived as there was even some heat in the sun but that has disappeared and we are back to flurries of snow, -4 degrees and a wind chill factor that makes it feel like -6!
    Please if you are going to "flag" something, make it a flag you can wave!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Silly Ted, get your gloves on next time, you'll be far less likely to flag yourself. I hope you have plenty of lives left! 


  • We’ve just been out for a little walk. It’s a beautiful day, a little windy but not at all cold. Now home for a cup of tea and a hot cross bun. X 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • That's England Chelle, what a beautiful photo.

  • I love to be by the water. It is so peaceful xx


  • FormerMember

    I'm glad you had a nice walk. I'm not always well enough but I do love walking, love the feel of the wind in my hair and the smell of the grass. It's especially nice when the sun is out!

    I took this the other week.

  • Hello Glitters and welcome. Is it safe where you took the pic, I can't see a pavement or a bus stop. Are there wolves there? Where is the pub. Xxx

  • Sorry had a mad moment.

    Rainieday is our art tutor in here, she is on a course at the moment but will be dragging you in to her coven.

    Ellie 73 sings but of course I havnt heard her. I am sorry, you are very young to have to join our club but we will look after you. Xxx