The pleasure of eating.

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  • 45 subscribers

Rainie, after our conversation the other day when you reminded me about what I had said about toast. Since I have been eating porridge oats and cereals with hot milk for breakfast for a couple of months since they are easier for me to swallow, with a mug of hot water. I felt on Monday that my swallowing had improved somewhat. So yesterday morning I had a slice of multi grain toast with lashings of melted butter, washed down with a mug of strong filter coffee. Oh my goodness how delicious the toast and coffee were, it made me feel so happy and set me up for the day. I had good old porridge oats and coffee today. Such simple pleasure from simple foods and drinks. Happy days. Kind regards Frank.

  • Yes indeed I fancy that, I just have to be a bit careful with my sugar intake. Having said that I had a small sticky toffee pudding and custard last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. I used to love the Heinz tinned steam puddings but I don't think you can get them now.

  • Hi Frank, My husband used to like the Heinz steam puddings then when they disappeared I bought him the M&S steamed pudding, you do them in the microwave and he loves them. They do sticky toffee, raspberry jam steamed sponge and another couple. Maybe worth a look! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • yes, like Annette says re. M&S, I used to get Tesco puddings  - 2 little ones in a pack - that my father-in-law loved. You could microwave them and he especially loved the chocolate ones with chocolate custard & ice cream on the side. Hello calories!!   Rainie x

  • All this talk of marmalade and custard reminded me of a desert my Mum used to do. Hot cross buns cut in half, with marmalade on the top. Put into an oven proof dish and pour custard on the top. Put in the oven for about 15 minutes. So I bought everything I needed the weekend, told my other half what I was going to do, and he looked at me like I had gone crazy......He loved it! wants me to make it again. X 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • . Chelle I'm drooling - partly 'cos this is my chemo nausea off days LOL!

    I do put marmalade on top of my buns (sounds weird LOL) but not though od custard and put in oven - will try soon.

    Barb xx

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    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • The buns go soft a bit like bread and butter pudding, with the marmalade and cinnamon from the buns, it is lovely x  


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • A variation on the Bread & Butter Pudding but maybe not horribly soggy? I couldn't ever eat those when I was a kid. The crispy bits on top were Ok but the horrible soggy bread underneath I hated. This idea sounds like a better bet though. Husband loves Hot Cross Buns. Thanks for the idea.  Rainie x

  • Hi Chelle, what a great idea it sounds delicious. I've always had a sweet tooth and love a pudding with custard. I do have to be careful with the sugar content as just a fraction too much and I get the food dumping syndrome. However I have learned to live with the unpleasant experience and to cope with it. Sometimes you just have to take a risk when you fancy something that takes your fancy. I'm going to be 63 in June and I am the youngest of 9 children, I still have 5 sisters and 2 brothers. My mother was a great baker when we were all younger unfortunately she never wrote a recipe down, and never used scales. I've always liked cakes and biscuits with cinnamon and spices, egg custard tart with nutmeg. Oh I'd better stop, I'm drooling now just thinking about them. I'll just have to have more cinnamon on my porridge in the morning. Kind regards Frank.