Radiotherapy starting !!!

  • 19 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Afternoon all 

Today I got a call to say starting my treatment next Thursday, which made me panic as I thought it was quite soon, to what they’d said it would be, 3 weeks. 
Two hours later I got another call to say they’d spoken to the radiotherapy/oncologist and she wanted me to start this Monday!!!!

I asked why, was it now more urgent?, she said it’s because you’d asked for it to be as soon as possible. Really! Since when does little me, get any authority over anyone else, I’m confused! 

And, has anyone got any advice on how to stop being so grumpy and snappy at people, as I just avoid them, so I don’t have to pretend I’m ok, I saw my parents and sister for a walk today, I was so miserable. The hospital called me three times whilst I was out for a couple of hours. It’s all so tiring, I got so confused with my dates as it all changed again, I’d left my diary at home, (something I never do)
I only laughed when my dad tripped over Joy 


  • not sure what radiotherapy you are having or where on your body it is but I have had 2 lots on a tumour in my back. Each session only lasted a few minutes and the side effects were minimal so hopefully yours will be too


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Don't worry about the ifs and buts Jane, the sooner your treatment starts the sooner your body will get the benefit. 

    As soon as you meet people, friends family or whomsoever, immediately say I am having a bad day. Then say on reflection I am having a bad year.

    Now some people will avoid you, some will understand you but you have put them all straight. 

    Look after your Dad, you've only got the one!

    Like the song says, ' things can only get better'

    Best wishes  xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Remoh

    Thanks Richard. It’s in my pelvis. Got the dots sat ready and waiting!

    Ok, thank you, that’s good to hear. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Artist assistant

    Yes I guess do, just worried, it brings my fate even closer!

    Good idea, I do usually warn people first. 

    I do, he’s constantly on his phone and never looks where he’s going. Bless him, he’s been amazing. 

    Im scared to say that but I know what you mean 

    Thank you xxx

  • Good to get it started Jane, less time to worry about it. Like you say the tattoo’s are ready, you are good to go! X 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Great news, sooner it is started sooner it starts working.

    All the best


  • Hi Jane, That's good news! As Chelle & Keith have said, the sooner it starts there's less time to worry, the sooner it gets working and the sooner it will be done. I'm sure at the moment 10 sounds a lot but soon you will be in a routine and time will fly by. Hoping you have little or no side effects but take plenty of rest when you can and let your body recover!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • That's good news your treatment is starting early just take one day at a time 

  • Best wishes for Monday. My recent radiotherapy definitely helped me 

    Good luck xxx


  • All the best Jane. Once you get started I'm sure the anxiety will settle a little as well. I have snappy days too, (mostly aimed at my poor husband) and try to keep my mind active if I can't do other physical things due to getting breathless at the moment. It can be really mind boggling and frustrating I know, but try and stay calm.  Concentrate on you and do what you want to do. I'm sure your friends and family will understand this. xx