Panicking as Results brought forward!!!

  • 28 replies
  • 47 subscribers


Had really bad stomach cramps this morning, stomach/bowel still doesn’t feel right. Messaged sarcoma nurse , and they’ve brought my results date forward to this Thursday instead of next Thursday. I’m panicking so much now. 
Ive asked if they can see the results, and emailed, 6 times today and they’ve not replied. They also suggest I go in, results normally done over phone. 
worrying myself sick. Surely it can’t be back already? 
Jane xxx 

  • Jane you're a star. I hope your efforts are well respected, I'm sure they are but please look after yourself and don't forget to give yourself a rest now and again. Treat yourself Slight smile

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Sounds like you are coping very well. I find it helps to have a routine.

    tvman is right about scans.

    i have been having scans for 12 years and it does get easier to cope with. You get to know what to expect. I cope with CT I find the MRI difficult because it takes so long and I get claustrophobic 

    good luck with your results. I have a CT tomorrow xxx


  • Sounds like you are coping well. I find a routine helps.

    tvman is right about scans. I have been having them for 12 years and it is easier now.

    the CT is easier for me than the MRI a which lasts longer and I get claustrophobic but I have found ways of coping.

    i have a CT tomorrow 

    Good luck with your results xxx


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ruthjp

    Thank you Ruth 

    12 years, wow, I hope I’m still here to have them in 12 years. 
    I didn’t mind the mri, weirdly, I quite enjoyed it Joy 

    I just zoned out and enjoyed the relaxation 

    thank you 

    good luck with yours too. I’m sitting here waiting for my 2pm phone call. 

  • Hi Ruth 

    For the MRI scan I close my eyes for the whole time I'm in it. The first time I kept my eyes open but when I discussed having a scan with others, I heard horror stories. One friend, built like a tank tried several times but he had to pull out because he shook like a leaf.

    Have you any headaches lately?

    Take care and stay safe Ruth

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi tvman,

    I agree it helps me to close my eyes in the MRI I also have music to listen to and take a Valium.

    all these help but I cope better with the CT. Sorry  about your friend it is tough.

    my headaches are better now thank you the radiotherapy definitely helped with that xx


  • Wonderful to hear Ruth, long may it continue

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Thank you 
