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  • 45 subscribers

January is when I make my marmalade for the year. Last January I wondered if it was worth bothering as my outlook was bleak, but my OH persuaded me to go ahead, and I told him who should get the jars if I didn't survive the year (he doesn't eat marmalade). Anyway here I am a year later and I have made more marmalade. I hope I'm here to make more next year! Also I hope I've made enough!

  • Most impressive Sal. Is there likely to be a discussion over the distribution of the marmalade.? If so,  Let them go to waitrose and take the responsibility from you.

  • Hi Sal, It looks lovely, I love Marmalade! When first diagnosed I was told not to fly anywhere and top of my bucket list was to see the bulb fields in Amsderdam. We took the train to Newcastle, then got a ferry to Amsderdam where we stayed for 5 days! I ordered bulbs that they deliver in September for planting for the following spring! I bought some for my sisters and close friends. I told my husband what to do with the ones I ordered for myself! ALL those daffodils, tulips, anenamies, crocus and narcissi have been flowering and multiplying ever since (7years) and still look amazing! I look forward to seeing them every spring. At the time, my family thought I had gone a bit mad but I had faith I'd see them bloom at least once! 

    You are right to make your marmalade, I hope you enjoy it!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • wow that looks just yummy...i'm glad you did not give up!!!

  • Looks lovely I love I love marmalade.m usually have it as a treat when on holiday. My mum used to make it 


  • Marmalade looks yummy. I get what you mean about not doing things the are for in the future I went through that phase now I just figure arrange it or make it and if I’m here in the future for it the great if not so what


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Annette I love th3 fact you were told not to fly so you just went abroad by train and boat lol. 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Hi Richard, Where there's a will, there's a way! Later that same year, we got the train to Southampton stayed in a B&B then got a taxi to the Port the following day to go on a 14 day cruise, then did the same in reverse when the cruise arrived back at Southampton. We have been several cruises and took the train to get there. To be honest although it takes about 6 hours from Glasgow to Southampton it was more pleasant than catching a flight to London, then another to Southampton which would have taken slightly longer!

    We treated ourselves to first class rail tickets, so had free snacks,beta, coffee, non alcoholic drinks and also free wifi! It was a very pleasant trip! There is always an alternative way to get what you want!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • That sounds lovely Annette, I think I will try first class next time I catch the train


  • Oh well done Sal. Lovely stuff.  Rainie x

  • Hi Sal, I would definitely advise you to try it! Sometimes, if you book early enough, the first class ticket can be much cheaper! I also bought a disabled persons travel ticket! The seats are more like the luxury ones they have in the cinema!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!