Post Results

  • 162 replies
  • 52 subscribers

An idea, I hope with some merit.

Our lives revolve around blood tests, scans etc. People do post that they have a scan in two weeks or whatever, everyone reading the post thinks 'I must ask after this' then the dates get lost or the memory fails.

We are all desperately worried and interested or just nosy about these results so we can discuss or sympathise or support.

How about posting your results on the day or the next day when they are received? You can still post advanced plans but this way everyone is current.

I think its a great idea but I do have an inflated sense of my own importance. This could be my swansong legacy when I get thrown off for using grammar after my name! Mind you, I'm not doing that anymore.

Norberry  ... dandelion, postie, hoare frost.

  • It's never easy Mrs B, in fact it's bloody hard. With your hair loss you are being reminded of your trouble everytime you look in the mirror. To go pretty well straight from chemo to the scan is another hard one but you need to know what is going on and the plans that  will be made for you following that.

    It's not morbid to put things in order, it's a sensible and considerate thing to do. Certainly getting hubby sorted is very important, how is it that the woman is always in charge of passwords etc, mind you it's like that in our household!

    Great to pass your Grandads medals on, everyone shoukd know what the olduns did for us.

    There are quite a few of our friends on here getting closer to their scans and results, you are in good company.

    We will all be waiting for your good news. Xxxxxxx

  • Got an ECG tomorrow to check on my heart left side bundle discovered at my pre admission  in November, no I didn't know what it was either!

    So two things to be treated at the same time, no wonder the NHS is skint! I think my primary cancer is becoming humpy at being pushed into the background. 

    Ski, Sunday, whoop, whoop.

  • Good luck with the ecg. They are checking up well on you x


  • How did i make you crack a joke, blame some one else for your mistake.

  • I get days when I double check my husband has all the information to do to the things I normally do. I am the one that uses the computer an organises the finances.

    Hope your results are good. I was told mt latest radiotherapy would help my headaches for 6 months xx


  • I've got a ' left bundle branch block' I can discern a bit of jealousy across the forum! Anyone else got one?

    The doc said I will become very familiar with the ECG nurses in the future!

  • Norbs I don’t really know what a left bundle branch block is, but I am glad they are taking good care of you. Xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Yes I have heard of it and it affects the left side of your hearts conduction from the upper to the lower chamber. Sometimes they give people pacemakers. As long as your right side is working ok your heart should be ok 

    it can be seen clearly on an ecg x


  • Blimey Ruth, best explanation so far. Any guarantee with your prognosis?

    My wife was surprised I've got a heart!

  • Hi Ruth, It wouldn't be the first time they had got it wrong, so I hope it helps with the headaches for a lot longer than that!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!