Post Results

  • 162 replies
  • 52 subscribers

An idea, I hope with some merit.

Our lives revolve around blood tests, scans etc. People do post that they have a scan in two weeks or whatever, everyone reading the post thinks 'I must ask after this' then the dates get lost or the memory fails.

We are all desperately worried and interested or just nosy about these results so we can discuss or sympathise or support.

How about posting your results on the day or the next day when they are received? You can still post advanced plans but this way everyone is current.

I think its a great idea but I do have an inflated sense of my own importance. This could be my swansong legacy when I get thrown off for using grammar after my name! Mind you, I'm not doing that anymore.

Norberry  ... dandelion, postie, hoare frost.

  • Good luck for the 29th. I have a CT on the 21st xx


  • I had my scan yesterday, the automatic injector machine wasn't working and they were running late, it was 7:45pm by the time I was done, I was starving when we arrived home, never eat so late these days! 


  • Got all parts of the anatomy crossed Pet. Hope you have a lovely Birthday. Rainie x

  • How long do you wait for results where you are Ruth? We might get our results round the same time.  Rainie x

  • Sal, what is an automatic injector machine like? I've yet to encounter one.  All good wishes,  Rainie x

  • Its the thing to add contrast when you have a CT scan, first they cannulate you, then they hook the machine with the contrast to your cannula, then usually they can press a button in the control room to send the contrast in, this time they had to send a man in to inject the contrast. I can't give a clear description because I am squeamish and don't like to look at whatever they  are doing to me. I spend quite a lot of time in hospital either with my eyes closed or with my neck twisted away from view of whatever they are doing to me. Sometimes I am brave and have a peep, but I always regret that. 


  • I thought they always did it by hand Sal. I don't look either and I wont be now!

  • Hi Sal, I've never had any problem with the machine but the difficult part for me is them trying to find a vein to hook it up to! It sometimes takes quite a few tries. However now, an aneasthatist does that bit, using a hand held ultrasound machine to locate the vein! I honestly don't know why they didn't do that before! It makes it much easier!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Frustrating for you and adds to the anxiety of having a scan x


  • Hi I've been quiet of late coping with total hair loss and a few dark thoughts. My next chemo cycle is this Friday with a CT scan on following Thursday. I did check with my Oncologist is it too soon as I'll only be 6 days into my third cycle but was told no. I'm obviously dreading it as this'll be the one that tells me if it's working and hopefully prolong my lifespan. I'll definitely let you know the results.

    Not being morbid I have put a few things in order lately, donating all the jewellery I used to sell at table top sales to our local RNLI fundraiser. Getting a book together sorting out passwords for hubby - who never ever notes them down.

    Over the weekend I went through a box of my late Mum's things I haven't looked at for years - today I posted off my grandad's WW1 war medals to my cousin. He's into Ancestry so will be delighted to receive a bit of history with his name on. Interestingly a scrap of typed paper contained within the tobacco tin mentioned the medals had been earned in the "Theatre of War". They were also in the original, rather tatty envelope they'd been posted in.

    Hugs to all Bxx

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