Post Results

  • 162 replies
  • 52 subscribers

An idea, I hope with some merit.

Our lives revolve around blood tests, scans etc. People do post that they have a scan in two weeks or whatever, everyone reading the post thinks 'I must ask after this' then the dates get lost or the memory fails.

We are all desperately worried and interested or just nosy about these results so we can discuss or sympathise or support.

How about posting your results on the day or the next day when they are received? You can still post advanced plans but this way everyone is current.

I think its a great idea but I do have an inflated sense of my own importance. This could be my swansong legacy when I get thrown off for using grammar after my name! Mind you, I'm not doing that anymore.

Norberry  ... dandelion, postie, hoare frost.

  • Glad you are so pleased, how about a jaffa cake rather than a Kit Kat, we avoid Nestle in our house.


  • Just had half a tin of choc biscuits. Still a size 10 so don't have to be careful. 

    Pigs, cow, past participle.

  • Going to give that a go Sal, a few people do it, might make them think twice next time.

  • Good idea Norberry. I wish I could support people on here more than I do. It's often gone way past relevant by the time I catch up! Very happy that your happy! xx

  • Hi Mike, great news, sounds like a bit of patience needed! I think we all think we can get over procedures and ops much quicker than expected and then reality hits! I take it if things don't settle by the time they think it should, then you contact them!

    Well, half a tin of biscuits sounds like half a celebration to me, so maybe have the other half at the weekend! Or even a cake!

    Sal, have you seen the size of the Jaffa Cakes recently, they are tiny, just like everything else, they have shrunk!

    sheep, goats and tiddlywinks! Take Care!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hey Annette, it used to really cheese me off that all biscuits and chocolates were getting smaller, but these days I tend to be glad when portions are smaller, I had a chip butty in a cafe today and it was so enormous that I barely managed to eat half of it! 


  • Hi Sal, Yes I know what you mean! When we take our grandchildren out to lunch or dinner, two of them have the adult portion and the youngest and I have the children's portion! Of course the waiter always used to put an adult portion in front of me and I'd swap it with our grandson! They know us now and give me the correct one!

    It puts me off if portions are too big but I've yet to find the biscuit I couldn't finish! Lol!i

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • That’s good news Norberry I am pleased for you xx


  • Got my scan through for 29th Jan. A nice way to spend Saturday night - and by the time we get home it will be.  Joy!  Rainie x

  • Hey must be a good result, as it is my birthday Slight smile