Really struggling today!

  • 24 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi there 

I’m really struggling today, can’t get any motivation to do anything just sit staring at the tv. Made myself go for a little walk earlier, was going to sit in costa and get lunch and coffee, walked in, then walked out and came home. Just feeling low today. 
came home and made a cheese and onion roll, took bite, and roll was mouldy, yuk! Tasted vile. 
Sorry, feeling sorry for myself. Getting another CT scan tomorrow, so maybe that’s it!

Jane xxx

  • Of course its the scan you are worryingng about, the wait preys on your mind. You still got up and went out, you might think that's not much but you made an effort. Well done and good luck tomorrow. X

  • Hi Jane we all fear the scan good luck for tomorrow huge hugs xxxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    Yes that’s true. Thank you Pray xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Popgate

    Thank you xxx

  • Well done for going for a walk 

    Good luck with the scan tomorrow xxx

    the waiting is the worst bit 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ruthjp

    Thank you, it was a struggle, I nearly came back as soon as I left, but decided to carry on. 
    thank you Pray x

  • Hi Jane, It is definitely scanxiety, we all get it! Good for you, going for a walk, sometimes I feel like a recluse or hermit, as all I want to do is stay at home, or even just stay in bed! I'm sure you will feel a bit better once you've had your scan and then better again once you have had your results. How long do you have to wait to hear your results? The waiting is always hard, so you go for your walk and look out for all the spring flowers that have already started to pop their head through the soil! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi Annette 

    Yes, I didn’t realise how much it would affect me, as it’s just the scan, not results yet. I was a complete state yesterday. Thank you, I’m the same, I’d rather stay home all day, it feels like my comfort blanket. I feel I’m letting people down, as I hardly ever want to meet up with friends or family , I just want to be left alone. 
    my appt for the results is the 27th, 2 weeks waiting, but I’ll try to listen to what norberry said, that I can’t constantly worry about scan, next scan or results of scan, it’s true, as I need to try and find some joy in between. 
    Yes, will do, love spring, and need to check my bulbs in garden too. 
    Thank you 

    love jane xx 

  • Scanxiety is one of the worst parts of this disease.  Even if you didn’t stop for coffee you went out for a walk.  We all have days like that , well I know I do.  Best of luck for the scan tomorrow 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Remoh

    Thank you. I’m not very kind to myself, always put myself under pressure, even with this evil disease. 
    Had my scan this morning, now for the waiting part!  Scream 
