Hello 2022

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Here we are on the threshold of a New Year. I don't know about you, but it's one of those times that can get a bit emotional for me and I suspect I'm not the only one. So I wish you all the very best for the coming year and if there's any New Year Resolution to be made - for me it's just to carry on getting the best I can from each and every day. So I thought I'd kick off with a wonderful picture from Johannes Vermeer - surely one of the most masterful painting technicians of his time. This apt picture, so beautifully executed, is called 'The Glass of Wine' and was painted in 1660 when he was just 27 years of age. It's a stunner.  Raise a glass then. Rainie x 

  • Hi 

    What a painting! It's fantastic how the artist deals with the light coming through the window. 

    Some of the other paintings you've posted don't really do anything for me but I can safely say that you have really enriched our lives since you came on board, Rainie. Thank you so much.

    I'd say that I am a fan of the impressionists, I've spent many long hours in Parisian art galleries, haven't been in Paris for a few years, perhaps I'll get there once this dreadful pandemic is over, if it ever does stop blighting our lives.

    Take care and stay safe Rainie

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Thanks tvman. I'm glad you like the Vermeer. That's the thing about art - there's something for everyone. It's such a subjective thing how we make connections to a piece of art - what presses the button for one person won't make any impression on another. I shall be posting more impressionist pictures back on the Art thread in the coming months and even if we can't get out to the galleries like we used to, thanks to the internet we can bring some of them into the Forum and enjoy and hopefully be uplifted by them. You take care. Rainie x

  • Hi Jane, Yes, I'm always a bit relieved when the Festive Season is over!

    I know exactly what you mean about being happy to stay at home. In some ways, I liked lockdown! You didn't have to go anywhere if you didn't feel like it.... no pressure! Life is too short to waste a minute doing something you don't want to do. You just please yourself, you don't need to please anyone else!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I think we have all worked out that thanks to Jane we don't want to do anything ever. Just possible stay a bit well for a while. Thanks for the wake up call Jane!

  • You know what, lockdown suited me fine, especially when the weather was great and Mrs Tvman and I worked in the garden for a few hours each day. We built raised beds with space between each for a wheelchair.

    One downside though was that the MacMillan exercise class on Tuesdays was cancelled for months because the leisure centre was closed and I didn't see my friends. When everything started up again I was relieved that as far as I know, everyone made it through. 

    I want to wish you  a belated happy birthday. Unfortunately I don't receive all notifications so I missed the big announcement (if there was one). Apologies my friend.

    Take care and stay safe everyone

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Great colours, contrasts in the picture. Like many on here I was unsure about wishing happy new year as it’s a reminder, but it’s also a reminder to seize the day. My wish for all on here is that we can seize each day as it comes, make the most of today. It’s easier said than done but as a wise woman once wrote yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, today a gift

    thank you for sharing such lovely picture @rainieday