Hello 2022

  • 26 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Here we are on the threshold of a New Year. I don't know about you, but it's one of those times that can get a bit emotional for me and I suspect I'm not the only one. So I wish you all the very best for the coming year and if there's any New Year Resolution to be made - for me it's just to carry on getting the best I can from each and every day. So I thought I'd kick off with a wonderful picture from Johannes Vermeer - surely one of the most masterful painting technicians of his time. This apt picture, so beautifully executed, is called 'The Glass of Wine' and was painted in 1660 when he was just 27 years of age. It's a stunner.  Raise a glass then. Rainie x 

  • You've just said it Jane, all you need for this year is a nice walk tomorrow with your amazing husband. We'll, that sounds ticketyboo to me. I'm sure your husband is just as pleased with his amazing wife. That's it, start your relaxing rest of your life now. Bugger everything else.  Xxxxx

  • Hi Jane, I much prefer Christmas to New Year, although since diagnosis find I cry at some Carols. Glad you are not making resolutions, they just put you under pressure you don't need!

    The one thing cancer has done for me is, I now do what I want to do rather than what everyone else wants and I don't suffer fools gladly! I say what I mean and mean what I say!

    I love the hat in the picture!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Beautifully painted. Thank you for sharing it with us.xx


  • Yes it is hard for all of us but I go forward with some optimism.

    We raised a glass of brandy via video link to our daughter and son in law.

    we always watch Jools Holland xxx


  • Hi Chell. Your right. He did paint it. Did you see the film?  Rainie x

  • I know what you mean and it's something about the idea that it's 'enforced jollity' that rather turns me off. I've never bothered to sit up just to hear the bongs - seems daft if you want to go to sleep. At least today you can I hope get that walk in - it's not raining here and has been bright all morning - hope the same where you are.  Rainie x

  • Think remoh would suit that hat somehow....

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi Annette 

    I’m just happy when it’s all over tbh Joy 

    Hate the pressure of it all. 
    Yes, I’m trying to do what I want too, but everyone seems to think I want to go out all the time, for coffees etc, but I’m happy at home in my bubble. I don’t suffer fools gladly either Joy, and as you say, you have to do what you want, even more so now. 
    love jane xx

  • No matter how nice and well intentioned people are Jane, if they haven't got cancer they haven't got a clue. Forgive them a bit for their ignorance. Not too much though.

  • Thanks for the picture Rainie.

    A Happy New Year to everyone. Here's to doing what we want to do whilst we can, and saying no to things we don't want to do.

    Best wishes 
