Hello 2022

  • 26 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Here we are on the threshold of a New Year. I don't know about you, but it's one of those times that can get a bit emotional for me and I suspect I'm not the only one. So I wish you all the very best for the coming year and if there's any New Year Resolution to be made - for me it's just to carry on getting the best I can from each and every day. So I thought I'd kick off with a wonderful picture from Johannes Vermeer - surely one of the most masterful painting technicians of his time. This apt picture, so beautifully executed, is called 'The Glass of Wine' and was painted in 1660 when he was just 27 years of age. It's a stunner.  Raise a glass then. Rainie x 

  • Fashion victims of their time I think!  nice picture though.

  • I'm with you Rainie, each New Year is emotional and I go forward trying to make the most of every day

    Best wishes to everybody who finds themselves in this select group and also remembering those no longer with us

    Take care everybody and I will raise a glass to you all(if I'm still awake!!) at midnight  

  • Nearly time to welcome 2022 the year I was told I would die.  Got a home move and a holiday next year so I need to live beyond my life expectancy.   Happy New Year everyone.  BalloonChampagne glassBell

  • I'm nearly 5 years past my sell by date. Just moved and planning holiday next year so the grim reaper will have to give us both some leeway next year. Best wishes. 

  • That is a beautiful painting. I don't know a lot about art, but I do appreciate a beautiful painting, and I do prefer portraits. I do believe that Johannes Vermee painted the girl with a pearl earing. I think that is what it is called anyway, it is stunning.

    Happy new year one and all. xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • FormerMember

    It’s a great picture. I agree, I’m not looking forward to this New Year’s Eve, everyone wishing you a happy new year. I can guarantee it won’t be. Nothing to look forward to. But just getting through each day will be a challenge enough, without resolutions and pressure.


  • Don't put pressure on yourself Jane. Tomorrow is only another day. I have never made any resolutions, and to be fair will be asleep well before the New Year comes in. For me its an excuse to get my family all together tomorrow for a lovely meal, and make more memories for them. xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Just try to take it easy Jane. No resolutions, no nothing. Getting through each day will be an achievement enough.

    Of course people get fed up with all the celebrations, I certainly do but we should let those who can, get some fun out of it.

    We are all in an awful position and plenty of people have their own difficulties like you have. I do hope your New Year contains a tiny bit of happiness. Xxxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to chellesimo

    Thank you, I am trying not to. I’ve never really liked NYE, but hate it even more this year. 
    Tomorrow is another day, and I will be in bed before midnight too , then hopefully a nice walk tomorrow with my amazing husband. 
    Have a lovely day with your family xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    Thank you , I’ll try. You too.

    That’s true, everyone has problems, I just hate the hype and people wishing you a happy new year, everywhere you go! I’m a miserable moo sometimes and maybe a bit bitter. 

    Thank you, I hope yours does too 

    It’s so nice to chat to other people in the same boat 
