Having a meltdown!!!

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  • 44 subscribers


I’ve not been on here for a while. 
I was dreading Christmas this year, but so looking forward to spending time with my son and husband. 
All I’ve done so far, is shout, rant and cry… oh and ‘nag’ my 20 year old son to help me out. Had a huge row earlier, never fallen out with him like this before. 
He just does nothing to help my husband or I around the house, and gives us more jobs etc, rather than helping to alleviate some. He’s just so lazy and it’s really getting me down. I don’t want to spend however long I have left, picking up and running around after him. This is no life! I feel so unappreciated and I’m the one supposed to be ill. 

sorry, just needed to let off steam, as I was shouting at him in the back garden, like an old fish wife, not my proudest moment!

Thanks for reading if you got this far Joy 

jane xxx

  • Hi, I've just seen this thread and it brought to mind the solution to the teenage son that wouldn't lift a finger scenario: my friend decided that she'd had enough of trailing round after hers, so much against her natural instincts she deposited all the damp towels off the bathroom floor onto the floor of his room; all his washing she simply dumped on his bed or threw it in from the door all over the floor and all his coffee cups. sticky glasses and the like got left all over his bedroom. She stopped tidying his room and hoovering it and left it to fester. After a few weeks when all the shirts etc. ran out and he couldn't move for dirty china and sandwich crusts, the penny finally dropped.

    He actually tidied it up himself and asked her how the washing machine worked. If you could bear to do this, it might do the trick.  Best wishes,  Rainie x

  • That is similar to a friend of mine - her teenage  kids had their own bathroom and used to leave towels etc around, and same for bedrooms - so she took to throwing things under their beds and ignoring the rooms. She had a particular issue with them getting through reams of toilet roll and always expecting her to replace them. She took the rolls away, tore up newspaper ( the Daily Mail I hope) and hung squares of it from a hook in place of proper toilet rolls. Their shock was a joy, but they got the message.

  • Did you have to say the Daily Mail?, you are so predictable OBS! Let's look at things differently next year.

  • That's what my hubby and i did when first married. newspaper, punched hole in and put string threw to hang up, and outside toilet, good old days.

    Take Care Ellie x

  • Cant disappoint my fans - the old ones are the best. Maybe for a change next year I will start  to malign the Torygraph instead, or even the good old Spectator. So many to choose from.

    Ellie, glad some people on here are old enough to remember the lovely outside loo and newspapers! Some of the younger ones must be bemused.

  • LOL Younger people have been spoilt .no central heating, power cuts and so on.

    We have lived OBS

    Ellie x

  • I still dream of Bronco karsy paper. A bad dream though!

  • Ellie, you are talking as if you are a 101 not 58!!

  • lol your only as old as you fill and i fill 101  at times, 68 good old days. lol

  • You're a funny old thing Ellie, 68 indeed, I don't think so!