sat next to someone who tested positive in chemo unit...grrrr

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  • 47 subscribers

I went for treatment on Friday, and then yesterday evening, the hospital rang me to say I had been in close contact with someone who tested positive and I needed to isolate for 14 days, thus no treatment this week. I was, as am sure you can imagine, not pleased. Anyway today they rang me again to say that in fact, because I am triple jabbed I need to do 7 lateral flows tests and dont need to self isolate. I have done one negative one today and have sent for PCR test too, as more accurate. I have no symptoms and think I was over 2metres away from the other patient and we both had masks on. I had PCR test on weds before treatment, but despite being due to have treatment Friday ( still not going ahead of course), they wont be doing another one until before treatment in new year . Does that make sense to you - I thought I should have on before every treatment but they say hospital guideline is every 3 weeks - seems madness to me . I do wonder if is to do with test supply and lab capacity. Anyway - next time i am in unit, I will sit in chair as far away from everyone else as possible and be unsociable ( not a lot new there). And to add insult to injury, I didnt much like the guy who likely tested positive. Judgemental moi?

  • Hi All, well done all negative lateral flows so think I am safe. Also sent for a PCR to be sure - it arrived missing the swab and the security seal. Spitting feather was not in it! Anyway  I took a chance, and sent it back anyway. They will probably throw it away. Then decided to try for a drive thru centre - day before there were 3 local ones, and hundreds of free appts. Next day -all disappeared, nearest one 20 miles away. Sent for another home PCR - did arrive prompty and has gone in the post today. As you mainly agree - so much is confused, nonsensical and incoherent - think the lesson is, we are on our own here, so take the best care you can.

    In terms of the guy - he was in for another procedure not chem, and was due chemo after the weekend, so had PCR  ready for that after he left the unit. Cant really blame him as he wouldnt have known,

    And yes wew can pick up rapid tests from chemists etc for free and get PCRs for free - thank god the NHS still exists, even if under threat from some politiciand and your US Health corporations. May there be a circle of hell for anyone who tries to taks us down that road. And on that cheerful note ( cheers me up anyway), it is Christmas eve, and nothing more to be done. Happy Christmas.


  • I removed all the grumpy sentences and found that you are in quite a good place! Have a Relaxing Time please until your next treatment.   Xxxxx

  • Hi @Norberry, You are good at reading between the lines! Or making things up. But yes you are right , I am fine thanks. For your specific information and pleasure, last night the dogs broke all the rules and ending up sleeping on the sofa with my son who stayed the night. Apparently he woke at one poing unable to breathe properly, becuase he had a 23kg staffie lying on his chest, dog on his ( dogs) back with 4 legs sticking up in the air. So thats it - my rules are now defunct and I might have to give in to dogs on sofa with me - it is quite appealing to have one bruiser on one side, and one fidget on the other. Although apparently the usually fidgetty Lexi was very relaxed and unmoving all night tucked between the back of the sofa and my son's side. its a dog life, especially at christmas it seems.

    Happy rest of Christmas to you all.


  • Oh how the doggies had a merry Christmas to...and now the new dog life can begin...i love it to cuddle on the sofa with bed allowed!

  • OBS, you have made your doggies dreams come true. Your rules had no real meaning to start with, it was axiomatic that the dog/ sofa line would be crossed!

    Also, I did not detect even one small grump in your post, you are calm! Xxx