sat next to someone who tested positive in chemo unit...grrrr

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  • 47 subscribers

I went for treatment on Friday, and then yesterday evening, the hospital rang me to say I had been in close contact with someone who tested positive and I needed to isolate for 14 days, thus no treatment this week. I was, as am sure you can imagine, not pleased. Anyway today they rang me again to say that in fact, because I am triple jabbed I need to do 7 lateral flows tests and dont need to self isolate. I have done one negative one today and have sent for PCR test too, as more accurate. I have no symptoms and think I was over 2metres away from the other patient and we both had masks on. I had PCR test on weds before treatment, but despite being due to have treatment Friday ( still not going ahead of course), they wont be doing another one until before treatment in new year . Does that make sense to you - I thought I should have on before every treatment but they say hospital guideline is every 3 weeks - seems madness to me . I do wonder if is to do with test supply and lab capacity. Anyway - next time i am in unit, I will sit in chair as far away from everyone else as possible and be unsociable ( not a lot new there). And to add insult to injury, I didnt much like the guy who likely tested positive. Judgemental moi?

  • I would be spitting feathers OBS. I wouldn't even look at any other patients in the future. I very much doubt anyone had any kind words to say about the guilty party.

    You really have been up against it since you have attempted to have your new treatment, thwarted at every step.

    I really hope the new year brings better luck. Try to enjoy the holiday, don't let the dogs have their presents early, ignore begging and howling.

    Big sack of best wishes. Xx 

  • Hi OBS, Yes I'd be really annoyed too. I take it he had a test before treatment that showed him positive? I'm just wondering if he had symptoms but ignored them! To be honest, I don't think anyone quite knows how long the isolation should be.

    Our grandson tested positive after school, our son did a lateral flow test after the teacher told parents there were 5 off in his class alone with Covid. So son, dil and grandson booked for pcr. Son & grandson positive on Sat 11/12. Daughter in law negative, tested again 16/12 still negative. She had been working from home in bedroom trying not to have contact. 18/12 her lateral flow was positive, pcr 19/12 positive told to isolate for 10 days. She asked did that mean her husband and son had to also isolate again as their ten days were up on 21st. The answer she got was it was up to them but If lateral flow clear then no need to isolate again!

    We thought if one member of household was positive, everyone in that house had to isolate! I just wonder how many people have been given the wrong information OBS!! Our son has said they won't come near us until all three of them were negative as best not to take chances!

    I'm so sorry your new treatment has been stop & start but I hope it still does what it says on the tin! Have a lovely Christmas EVERYONE!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Oh no, what a shixxx...all the strange rules don't make sense , and then everyone has diffrend rules...who can understand??? And if that person had a test before treatment....why was he in then??

    Yes i would stay as far away as i could to. Hope you stay negative..fingers crossed.

  • I cannot believe how irresponsible that person was in all places chemo unit!!!! my best friend and I have for ages been taking a test before we meet it's common sense even before this new variant came out we did it so sorry you have missed your treatment xxxx

  • I feel so sorry for you. I had to have PCRs before my treatment and to be allowed in the hospital 

    inwould have thought if you had negative PCRs you could carry on with your treatment. Sometimes these rules don’t make sense.


  • O dear. We can’t help the children getting it at school.

    your son sounds very sensible. But it will affect your Christmas xx


  • How infuriating for you. And in the chemo unit which is the last thing anybody needs. I share your feelings and would feel just the same. Try not to let it upset you and deflect from you having the best time you can over the holiday. Agree with others- the isolating criteria are very muddled it seems.  Rainie x

  • What a horrible situation, and so annoying. The rules are all over the place too so it is difficult to know what to do. Best wishes for a negative PCR! It sounds as if you really need a good stomp around. 


  • Hi ownedbystaffies from someone who has been pinged by being in close contact with someone who has covid, I know how this feels. I did not have to isolate, and was told only to isolate and do a PCR if I was to get symptoms. Luckily I didn’t. I am sorry that you will not be able to have treatment this week because if this.

    I hope the poor man who was having treatment who has tested positive for covid is ok. This could of happened to anyone of us. PCR tests can give you a negative reading one day and positive the next.  


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Oh man, that sucks! I can't make sense of the changes in self-isolating protocols here, for people with normal immune systems, let alone those who are compromised or around those who are compromised! Plus, the protocols in schools vs the rest of the community, so confusing.

    BTW, had to look up "lateral flow", think those are what we call rapid tests here. And here, they cost at least $10 a pop. My son and I will do them before we visit my 89 year old father and 82 year old mother next week, probably again when we get back, if we can find them in the stores. We are lucky we are able to afford that. Are you all's tests free, as we hear? And widely available?

    Hoping this doesn't manage to tarnish your holidays!
