Spinal injection for pain relief

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  • 50 subscribers

Hi everyone, I've an appointment tomorrow morning at the Ulster hospital for an injection at the base of my spine which will maybe give me pain relief and I may, repeat may, be able to get out of my wheelchair for a period of days. I've been told that it's a one off and there won't be any more. Definitely not. It's an effort to give me a chance to walk along the beach or walk through the Mourne Mountains (a little).

Fingers crossed for me y'all SmileyThumbsup

Tvman xx 

  • Yes the doctor said that it could take a while, could be a week, could be a month, he says that there's no way of telling.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • But at least you did walk a bit, and your muscles will not be the best, so time will tell. Fingers crossed!!!

  • Hi Tvman, I think things sound very positive, especially if you have already had a bit of a walk. Steroids work on the body for months, I've had a few in my right knee (not on my painful leg but just for osteoarthritis) as I tend to lean on it a lot as the other thigh and groin are so painful. I had the last injection in July before we went on holiday to Scarborough and it kept working for 3 & a bit months, until the cold weather arrived. 

    Before you know it, you will be walking beside the snowdrops, crocus etc!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thanks Pet, you're right, I did walk a bit. Friday wasn't any different to the last 6 years regards pain level but I've been told not to expect much for the first few days. 

    Take care and stay safe Pet

    Tvman xx

    PS I'd love to know a little of how Christmas Day pans out for you in Oz, whether it's a barby on the beach Beach umbrella️  or whatever.

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Annette 

    That type of a walk sounds great, I would love that to happen. 

    Over the last 20 or so years I've had steroid injections in my long suffering elbows (for cubital tunnel syndrome) and wrists (for carpal tunnel syndrome).

    In relation to cubital tunnel syndrome, I found a hospital letter in my jacket a couple of weeks ago. It was an appointment for a CT scan on my elbow for the surgeon pre operation list. The appointment was over 4 years ago and I'm still waiting for that op!

    Just shows how bad our health service is in Northern Ireland because of disagreement between the main 2 political parties here. It's disgraceful and some here would say, criminal.

    Take care and stay safe Annette

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Dear , our Christmas day, well mostly we will get around 40 to 45 degrees, so we sit inside with air con going and just enjoy nice food. I'm here now over 12 years but still miss xmas in Winter, the food tastes better and well it feels like it. But you can't have it all lol. Today it is nice with around 30 degrees and we will got out to the markets and then to the lake for some relaxing...my xmas wish is for you to walk around pain free!!!!!!!

  • Hi Tvman, I agree, waiting for over 4 years for an operation, is indeed criminal! I know we think our NHS is Scotland has gone downhill but from what I hear from our daughter in law's family and other friends in NI, I think we are not as bad here as we think! I wonder if they offered the surgery to you at this time or soon, what would be your answer now! Would you go ahead? Has no one contacted you since that letter or have you contacted them since!

    I have had several steroid injections in various joints, due to osteoarthritis but as you know, there is a limit to how many they can give in each joint and the more you have, the less efficient they become. However you do get a bit of rest bite from the pain. I do hope this works for a very long time for you and can imagine you and your dog walking regularly, instead of him following your buggie!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Pet, Yes that would seem strange, that kind of heat on Christmas Day but it's better than freezing, like we are here!   The extreme cold and snell wind is the reason we went to Spain in January/February every year for over 20 years, ( until Covid stopped us) as it made a huge difference to my arthritis. We also went away in October for two weeks which helped my joints over the festive season! However I couldn't imagine being anywhere but home at this time of year!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Would it be worth chasing up the operation. The CT scan on your elbow will be out of date now.

    soetimes they forget people x


  • Aaah Annette , that's a lovely thought of Conan and I walking along the road together. 

    Sorry, I wasn't alerted that you had sent a message to me, Annette and Ruth. The loveliness of the site, 

    Ruth , I was contacted by a doctor about 16 months ago asking if I still wanted to have the operation and of course I said yes. I asked if I was near the top of the list because he asked a few more questions and he said yes, but then BANG!!! Covid hit and most operations were put on the back burner. I have hope that I'll be contacted soon, you have to don't you? The problem with both elbows is that a nerve is trapped that runs along the outside of the elbow joint, causing pain and numbness. It's similar to carpal tunnel syndrome. When you hit your elbow and you say you have hit your "funny bone" and you have really caused the same nerve to be pinched. 

    Life? Eh? 

    Take care and stay safe

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.