Just diagnosed and freaking out

  • 26 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Hi im 36 and just been diagnosed with incurable metastatic adenocarcinoma of unknown primary. Im waiting for my pet scan and i just feel so alone. I dont know what i should be doing or who to speak to. Anyway i just wanted to say hi

  • Hi Gemmsy and welcome to the group you never dreamed you'd be joining. So sorry you're going through this but I just want to echo what the lovely people in this group have already said. This is probably the worst bit waiting for scans and results but once your team have a plan for you you'll be able to focus on that and begin to get your head round it all.

    Best wishes 

    little-fi xx

  • Welcome to the group..

    keep us informed how you are doing. It takes a while to absorb the reality of the diagnosis.

    i read up everything I could.

    let us know how the pet scan goes and you will get more information xx


  • Hi Gemmsy.  Sorry you find yourself here.  Diagnosis is just the worst time.  Everything seems so hopeless and bleak.  It does get better with time though as others have said.  I was diagnosed with a rare adenocarcinoma of the skin nearly 5 years ago now.  I’ve had various treatments over the years, been on a trial and currently on chemo.  I’m in relatively good nick still and definitely appreciate the smaller things in life so much more than I did.  keep going, you are stronger than you think and you will get through it x

  • Hi 

    Thank you for your concerns, it's really appreciated. I am still being treated for my cancer. I have a consultation every 6 weeks or so and the state of my blood is discussed.

    My bone marrow isn't producing good red cells or white cells so my treatment consists of an injection every week that encourages my bone to produce more red blood cells. My low white cell count means that I have a poor resistance to infection. Last June I was hospitalised for 10 days because I had a chest infection. It was 10 days of strong IV antibiotics in a ward that was horrendously noisy at night and day.I  feel like I'm constantly waiting on the inevitable happening. 

    Gemmsy, you're very young to be diagnosed with cancer. If I can give you some crumbs of comfort, there are many people here who are well past what we call our sell by date! Pop a post on here when you get notice of your pet scan and you'll get lots of well wishers. Guaranteed. I hope you can receive results that may be of some comfort. Very often there are trials that you'll be suited for and your oncologist can get you on one. I wish you well, Gemma. Do you have any family? 

    Take care and stay safe Gemmsy

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Thank you so much for your reply. It gives me great comfort to know that there are people out there who live for years with cancer. I have my pet scan tuesday so wish me luck! Eek im scared. I have a fantastic partner who has been my rock and my parents have been great too. I dont have children which makes me incredibly sad to know I probably wont have kids but on the other hand its good because there are no children involved in my situation. Im so happy to hear that your treatment is continuing and i wish you the very best.



  • Gemma, there’s plenty of us who go beyond expectations!!! I have mesothelioma and have lived with it for 14 years, so none of us really know whats going to happen!!!  Just take it carefully and don’t think too far ahead.

  • Hi Gemmsy! I have Adeno in Lung with mets. I was given only 10 -12 months ..that was in 2015 !!! I am still here and alive. So don't give up. There are so many new good treatments available. But at first we all have been scared. I'm glad you have a great partner on your side. Keep your chin up, Pet

  • Hi Gemmsy and welcome to the Group! When first diagnosed it is very difficult to get to grips with it all, we've all been there! It's like suddenly being on a rollercoaster you can't get off of. Then once you ave had your scan, oncology know exactly what they are dealing with and put a plan of treatment into action. It's once this starts, the rollercoaster starts to slow down a bit and you get into a routine. Yes there are many of us Incurables that have beaten the odds and are well past our 'sell by dates'! The treatments around today are amazing so please try to take every day as it co Es and enjoy it with your partner. I was diagnosed with Malignant Melanoma Stage4 that had spread to lymph nodes, chest, abdomen etc and given 5-7 months. That was in 2013 and I'm still here due to trial and new drugs! 

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • It’s a horrible time when you get diagnosed, I had lost one brother in law to cancer before I was diagnosed, he went within weeks of his diagnosis. A second brother in law was diagnosed before me and told he had 12 weeks and that’s all he had.  I was panic stricken and thinking I had weeks to live. 2 years and 4 months later I’m still hear and still relatively healthy and able to do stuff.  Some people on here are now being kept alive by treatments that weren’t available when they got diagnosed so there’s plenty of hope if you are incurable it just means they can’t get rid of it not that they can’t keep it under control sometimes for many many years.  Above all if anything at all is bothering you just ask on here there’s probably someone with the answer or that knows how to get the answer.


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Hi Gemmsy, Just wanted to wish you luck for Tuesday. Pet scans are a doddle, so nothing to worry about. It's the waiting for the results that causes "scanxiety" but hope you don't have to wait long for your results. By the way, worrying isn't good for you and won't make any difference, so please try to distract yourself!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!